Social Medias Affects On The Brain?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by BVRGER-KWEEN, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. Today in my humanities class we discussed how social media and the internet in general has affected our brains. My teacher brought up the point that every time our phones buzz and light up, we have a conditioned response that says “Hey someone wants to talk to me”. This reminded me of a post I reblogged on tumblr last night that stated that a lot of us use narcissism to mask our insecurities. The notifications we receive every day make us feel important and we do all that we can to keep that feeling alive. I want to know whether that is a negative or a positive thing. I feel as if it could very well be both but I just wanted to see other opinions on the matter…
    So, what do you think?

  2. #2 -Martyr, Sep 12, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
    It's up to the individual as to how anything affects it. People who are dumb will not benefit from even the best options or tools afforded to them. Do you really think social media is the great distractor of man? You spent your entire life in school asking for permission to leave a boring lecture to relieve yourself, as if you're some kind of trained dog for a total and complete fucking stranger- most of which are underqualified and unenthusiastic in regards to their jobs. We're conditioned to think at a certain scale, and to a certain rate, by various people who are given authority over us throughout our adolescence, teenage years, and even the earlier stages of adulthood. Social media's a scapegoat for people who don't want to dig into sociological issues where subjectivity nulls the ability to clearly depict villains.
  3. Though you would still agree that the media is engraining monstrously invalid ideas into the apparently vulnerable minds that fill our populations?

    I agree that social media is used as a scapegoat in instances such as this, but where would our society be without the influence that it radiates? There are much bigger issues than this, but what is the foundation in which you find the sociological issues to be present? Who or what would you describe these villains to be?

    And these aren't meant to be backhanded questions, I stand on a more curious ground at this point.

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  4. #4 -Martyr, Sep 12, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
    If we're talking social media, I think we have to specify that social media as a platform is what I meant is being utilized as a scapegoat. The media, as in the street team for politicians, corporations, and lobbyists, are monstrous and are etching monsterous ideas into the minds of the people. But it's not a process that is done to them strapped to a chair against their will. Most people know they're getting fucked, they've just decided that not caring, and focusing on smoking a little weed and getting by with bills is more important.

    There are many easily identifiable villains, but the one less uttered is ourselves. People are soft, lazy, and nonchalant in regards to seeking the best possible solutions to problems we have fundamentally solved in theory over and over again. The problem is actualizing these things into practice and reality, because this requires a cohesive, undeniable, and viable alternative that people can believe in first. When it comes to humans, unfortunately the only cliffs we enjoy jumping off of, are ones that deal in matters of the heart, and actual literal cliffs for fun and the adrenaline. We allow ourselves to be degraded and belittled, because we've become accustom to scraps, and we can always say "someone else has it worse, I'm doing alright." Meanwhile, every year the cost of living goes up, the gap inequality in this country rises, the rate of creativity and innovation slows to the point of stagnation and regurgitation under different brands, names, and logos, the amount of hours needed to put food on the table has you coming in the door just in time to only want dessert or a pillow. These are all things we accept, because focusing on the everyday bullshit has become the only reality we can fathom. And then at a certain point, people have kids, and then it becomes all about the kids, and working harder to give them a "better life", when the reality is, you've forfeited that option and have passed on to them the shell of what could have been. And they too will have to suffer an oppression that easily dwarfs our own, having had parents who just didn't give a shit.
  5. Alright, point made regarding the foundational placement in which the media has reserved (very eloquently so might I add). But, if these people aren't forced against their will to succumb to ideas that are sourced from the media, how else can further generations escape this mind numbingly fucked cycle? To me, it seems as if some of the people who couldn't give two shits about how the media is affecting their everyday decisions and how it is slowly degrading them in ways in which they couldn't comprehend, are still motivated enough to reproduce. In turn, they outnumber the individuals who actually are aware of the media's ulterior motives and take action against it. Does that mean, in terms of how successful we'll be as a country (let alone a global "community"), that we're basically fucked? I think so. Does that justify the careless behavior we partake in? I don't believe the damage we've let fall through the cracks in the pavement could ever be justified, nor the destruction that is to come.
    With that taken into consideration, I suppose one of the most relevant, yet more inconspicuous "villain" here is indeed the population assuming they're the victim.

    A summation of the human experience seems as if it's a tad limited through that perspective in which you type. It is either hopeless or full of the possibility of change. The path less traveled by is as desolate as it is for a reason.

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  6. Often times I'm in great despair or filled with an immense amount of hope over the state of the world, maybe due to mood swings lol. Regardless, social media poses great potential and utter dismay. Through it, awareness can be easily spread..for this, people who are already respected and listened to (ideally celebrities who full well know shit ain't right) can instigate a time of questioning, in every possible sense. People need that first push to get going and know that others are going to get involved.

    It's rude to children to bring them into a mind numbingly fucked up shit ridden waste - pit, subconscious slavery enduced mindless society oblivious to the beautiful natural subtleties we can experience with the right path.

    I would think the ones who benefit from this (the 1% for lack of a better term) would argue that they're doing what sells, that life is better now than it ever was, and that it's a game we are all playing, there being winners and losers. What they fail to mention is the most important aspect of it all, it's subconscious inclinations. The area of life most difficult to change is not the conscious things we do(but does sometimes end up being), but we inherently know..the habits, the thought patterns, the body language, etc. We gotta help ourselves and make it easier by having those positive influences embedded in our culture, for the better.

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