I Huffed Puffed Yesterday...

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by kit88, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. At work yesterday, I huffed and puffed, because i was moving heavy pallets. It got the best of me, and told me that i better do some cardio more often

  2. Wow. So interesting.
  3. hit the basketball courts.

    Or soccer field.
  4. hey brah
    you better do some cardio more often.
  5. You can walk instead of driving (if you drive that is), take stairs instead of elevators, wear sneakers and run a little every time you go for a walk, and you'll feel better real soon.  
  6. You should've seen me huff and puff when I was furiously jerkin it yesterday cause I couldn't bust !

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