Jury Nullification Guide

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by NJWEEDMAN, Sep 8, 2014.

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  1. Juries are like rubber stamp robots.  They are denied the knowledge of their rights as a jury that they can vote not guilty on any grounds and they do not have to inform a judge when asked of personal view points.  Awareness like this can become a game changer in the fight, because if juries start returning not guilty on what was a slam dunk case it will bring about legalization by default.  There are many paths to victory and they should all be perused.
  2. And this is why they have jury selection.
    You think they would allow people in favor of marijuana to sit in on a jury. Not a chance.
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  3. you have missed the point you can lie during the selection process all you want you can't get in trouble, so if the judge asks you do you have  problem convicting someone of offence of MJ whatever, though you do you say "no."   if you lie about know the person it can be grounds for a mistrial and along as you don't threaten other jurors you have total freedom to do anything with you getting into any trouble. 
    People don't lie about their personal opinion because they think they can get into trouble.  What it is really is legal jury tampering in favor of prosecution by denying them the knowledge of their rights and the fact they don't have to be honest without repercussion in the selection process.  So if this knowledge gets out there it could become a real game changer on all MJ cases and maybe even all possession cases.
    I served on a grand jury before and people are really ignorant on what the requirements and the freedoms you have as any juror. I even got a few people to vote against issuance of a bill of indictment on what seemed like a major MJ case almost beat it.  I think most where still afraid to do it, only reason I know the law and procedures of juries and their rights and how limitless their freedoms are, is because I was criminal justice my first semester.  This kind of knowledge I did not even hear about in any social studies class, there truly is a systematic ignorance of jury rights in place, cause once the word gets out, MJ legalization is massively popular and decimalization for simple possession is even higher.  Since jury selection before the lawyers get involved is truly random, i.e. the majority of any jury not blabbing their personal views should have enough to prevent convictions.

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