Spirituality Means Who You Are Matters

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Thejourney318, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. Just something I've been thinking about. Partially in relation to the question, what does spirituality even really mean? Now, there seems to be a certain perspective that inherently implies spirituality. And that is who you are matters, in and of itself, for one reason or another. Without some sort of spiritual perspective, you cannot conclude that who you are as a person matters. Objectively, who you are only matters in your relationship with the world and people around you. If you make no impact, you are irrelevant. Who you are inside doesn't matter.
    So, we grow and evolve as people, in ways that are meaningful. From a spiritual perspective, that matters. Be it karma, or some other intangible spiritual principle, your internal processes are significant, whether or not it has objective external impact. One may say they are not spiritual, and also say that who you are still matters, but I just can't see how some form of spirituality isn't implied by the idea that who you are internally matters. And anyways, that is a way in which spirituality can help give meaning to life. I feel that I've grown a lot as a person over the last few years, in ways that are significant. From a spiritual perspective, that matters. Otherwise, it only matters insomuch as it has external effects.
    So, does who we are as a person matter? Is our internal process of growth significant in and of itself, or only as it relates to externals?

  2. I absolutely believe that if one is true to themselves, the more they will understand the world they interact in, the people they talk to, or the things that makes them happy. If we stop and think, we all believe in something but we just slap a name on it called "religion". I think we all are religious and spiritual about something, even if you don't believe there is a God, that person still has the belief that there isn't a God or someone of a higher being.
    I think at the end of the day, we are the higher beings because we live in this amazing universe that seems so perfect and its up to us to find those things in this life to create what we are. Once we understand ourselves, the possibilities in this life are literally endless
    It matters inasmuch as it's all part of a greater understanding, which isn't necessarily external. But I think letting go of who we are is more meaningful.
  4. #4 Green Knight, Sep 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2014
    Know thyself... & then know the world...

    Start with real meditation & deep breathing exercises. Light a candle, burn lavender or yoga series nag champa insense, turn off excess lights. Sit, feet together, palms up receiving... breath in through nose– hold breath 5-9 seconds, exhale; then exhale even further until you're completely out of air; hold breath for about the same # of time. This takes practice. Breath in deeply next, and keep repeating as long as you can... Meditation music helps breathing become rhythmic -1 hour is a great start. You will begin to feel peaceful, and can learn to clear your mind. Attempt to take a short vow of silence, a half day- whole day- as many days as you can do it. Don't speak if possible, meditate during... Observe what you see in your mind... Want to know more feel free to ask... It is changing me in a good way, I guess it would be spiritual, it's just so good for you. In the busy, noisy world silence can be golden once you rid your mind of other unnecessary metals. Good luck friend. Hope you try it. It works.
    Peace. :D

    Grow Progress:

    ... "You can't shake hands with a clenched fist."- Gandhi

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