Sensation Vs Solution-What Does The Nwo Want?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ChristopherABrown, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. Chris said "information vital for survival is shared and understood"

    That's almost an exact quote from the Communist mannifesto

    He also is a far left environmentalists ironically supporting the NWO's agenda 21

    He refused to comment on the second amendment

    He is anti corporations. He is anti free trade. He is anti capitalism

    If it quacks like a duck...

  2. #562 ChristopherABrown, Nov 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2014
    Now I'm showing how you may be correct and agreeing that violence may be needed to get the current infiltrated government to obey the amended constitution, and you do not like it.

    There is a huge difference in the violence you assert is needed and that which I agree may happen.

    What I suggest occurs AFTER a long, legal, due process occurs making certain offices, departments and agencies obviously, improperly occupied by enemies of the state.

    A state of OUR republic which has been lawfully tested and purified by amending its constitution.

    You and vicious suggest Americans will need, and that it is best, to just begin an armed. Violent revolution.

  3. For the unity needed to use "alter and abolish", Article V, and defend unalienable rights as in, The Declaration of Independence.

    You've never shown that. Besides, the phrase is natural law and it is HOW the phrase is applied that matters. Context.

    I support that humanity NOT destroy its air and water. How I propose doing that is opposite the NWO agenda. The people do it because they need air and water, not government.

    You/vicious have gotten that comment last night and immediately tried to use my citation of the 2nd amendment to imply it was Marxist.

    I am against corporations having individual rights. I've acknowledged numerous times some corporations are very much needed and have integrity.

    Correct! You are against a lawful and peaceful revolution and have posted all of the above misrepresentations in an attempt to oppose the plan I've put forth for Americans to unify around a definition of free speech and control their states, then proceed to an Article V convention with preparatory amendment, ending the abridging of free speech, securing the vote and reforming campaign finance.

    You pretend to be an activist for positive change but in reality, covertly, you oppose it.
  4. yes.Chris

    Your truth is so obvious that only cover operatives would oppose it

  5. Or someone with actual evidence it was not a valid definition of the purpose of free speech or interpretation of constitutional intent with plan & process for a lawful, peaceful revolution.

    It's freakin common sense, all of it.
  6. Right. Except the part where I'm not an infiltrator. You were wrong about that and that makes me question everything else you say

    LOL!  Common sense indicates you are not here for activism.  Q-So why are you here?  A-Look at what you are doing.  One thing, bashing the proposed lawful and peaceful revolution.
    Q-What sincere activist would do that?    A-One that had a better plan, or did not, could not believe in the Constitution for the united states of America.  Or, someone pretending to be an activist.
    Q-Who would pretend to be an activist?  A-An agent covertly infiltrating activists to try and prevent unity and successful activism against agendas of those directing them.
  8. Because I'm a pothead. This is grass city.
    If you ignore the other 90% of the threads I post in, yea it looks like all.I do is come here to hate on Tue first amendment

    Delusions of grandeur. Your threads aren't the only ones here
    I'm not an aactivist. I'm a pot head who spends a lot of time in my favorite grass city boards
    OK. So we just established that I'm not an activist so this is irrelevant
  9. Potheads can be activists for constitutional defense. But your only activism is working to prevent the unity needed for a lawful and peaceful revolution.

    It's obvious.
  10. I'm not working against anything

    I just enjoy seeing jpw you respond to me

    I'm not am activist. I'm not an infiltrator

    I'm.just an asshole and you are wasting.your time hhere

  11. #571 ChristopherABrown, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    As I've stated in the past, the label of "troll" was invented so traitors could be seen as assholes enabling them to more effectively continue supporting treason.

    Your agenda is careless and wantonly undisguised. You've tried attacking every aspect of Americans utilization of the constitution with its intent, to try and induce the viewer to dismiss the plan for a lawful and peaceful revolution.

    You've stated you cared about the environment, then tried to use the fact that I do, try and mis represent me as a communist in favor of agenda 21.

    It is quite clear to any who read these threads that you will use anything to try and marginalize a plan based in legal process, WHICH INCLUDES Americans having the capacity to define constitutional intent as "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts" to assure all amendments from an Article V convention have constitutional intent. That would be the purpose of free speech.

    You've said you would like to see an Article V convention. However, by default, if you do not empower Americans to define and know constitutional intent then control their states with it, you are empowering corporations like the Koch bothers do with ALEC to conduct an unconstitutional convention favoring corporate profits over the environment, justice and civil rights.

    Your agenda is clear, but sloppily executed exposing the agenda from a covert position with pretense.
  12. [quote name="ChristopherABrown" post="20960531" timestamp="1416591582"]As I've stated in the past, the label of "troll" was invented so traitors could be seen as assholes enabling them to more effectively continue supporting treason.[/quote]
    LOL. You really believe I'm an.infiltrator

    You need help dude

    Please go see a doctor
    Your agenda is careless and wantonly undisguised. You've tried attacking every aspect of Americans utilization of the constitution with its intent to dismiss the plan for a lawful and peaceful revolution.
    I have no agenda

    Delusions of grandeur

  13. #573 ChristopherABrown, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2014

    Spoken like an infiltrator, or one so conditioned, that they do not know the difference.  In that case, you need the doc.
  14. Meaningless fallacy

    Stop with the cognitive dissonance

    You've been PROVEN wrong
  15. #575 ChristopherABrown, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2014
    LOL, I've schooled at least twice on what cognitive dissonance, and you STILL do not know.


    It's pretty clear you've got a mental problem and cannot separate objectiveness from the subjective, what you think, well enough to EVEN learn.

    Your inability to realize the amount of cognitive distortion you use was an early tip off to your uses of your mostly internal perspective. You didn't know the difference between cognitive dissonance and distortion, and now we learn, you can't learn.
  16. #576 yurigadaisukida, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2014
    Cognitive dissonance is when you hold a belief so strongly that even when presented with absolute proof that you are wrong, you cannot accept it. You will resort to calling the proof a lie every time

    Your belief that we are cognitive infiltrators is a textbook example. You are so paranoid that it is impossible for you to realise tthat we are just other people. No matter how much evidence is against you
    Subjective means its a matter of opinion
    What information is vital.for subjective. That's why we have democracy and free speach.
    Why are you incapable of rational.discussion? Why.must you keep resorting to.posts like this?

  17. #577 ChristopherABrown, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2014
    Yuri, this is the third time I've provided a link explaining what cognitive dissonance is.

    The fact of that indicates what is in your mind is what matters to you and is your perception of the reality. That IS the definition of subjectivity.

    This is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time.

    Objectivity is when facts of the external world are cognitively assimilated and used in reasoning together.

    Twice you have failed to use the definitions of the external world and instead you rely on your internal perception of cognitive dissonance in attempting to define it. What you are defining is the symptom or effect of dissonance, not cognitive dissonance.

    It increasingly appears that you have a mental disability that just happens to have you behaving as a cognitive infiltrator.

    When you fail to reason simple things like the social implications of things like our appreciation of each other's survival instinct and how our mutual respect for information vital to survival has natural priority related to a root purpose for free speech, I am shown proof of something!

    Now I consider it a mental disability because you are NOT learning.

    Your brain is not working quite right.

    That is your subjective opinion and because moderators and others are making an effort to sort out your dysfunctions and make them clear along with that which I do, you simply continue without realizing what you are doing.

    It takes a village to raise a child.
  18. Semantics

    Fine have it you way. Use whatever word you want.

    Fact us you are unable to acknowledge any truth other than the ones you've already accepted

    Your mind is closed
    An objective subject is a subject that is true. As subjective subject is a subject tthat has more than one acceptable answer.

    I can objectively say humans need water to survive
    The information you are claiming is necessary for survival, is not. In this case, necessary is subjective.

    I proved this when I brought up china once again proving you cannot see truth

    Chinese people don't have this "information vital to survival" and yet they have over 10 times our population and survive extremely well
    You haven't disproved anything I said, only told me I'm using words wrong
    Ill take that as a compliment.

    I've graduated from traitor to retard :wub:

    Strawman. You've misrepresented my views
    Define learning. You haven't learned either. You have the same opinion as when er started even when proven wrong

    This is a case of two people arguing an opinion. Neither is "retarded" or "lying"

    Stop being so arrogant

    No comment

    Please try to have a reasonable discussion
    I don't even know what you are talking about here

    Care to elaborate?
    Commies! Jk I like bones too

  19. you're gonna need to find a new poster to play with now Yuri...
  20. Did he finally get banned?

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