Gc Chat Rooms?

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by ItsReneeYo_, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. that would be awesome :)
    tis' all.

  2. #2 llllllllll, Sep 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2014
    Its been done before on tinychat
    Usually just winds up with people taking someone elses name and trolling in their place. Also I dont think the mods like it when people from here congregate on places where you can video chat and stuff.. due to the illegal nature of most of what goes on with weedheads and how unsecure those kind of sites are in regards to personal information, IP addresses and whatnot.
    I mean its not like they can tell us not to.. they just dont want us to... idk its kind of silly but they are just looking out
    or maybe I misread this.. didnt notice it was in feedback area.. you mean that chat rooms on THIS SITE would be cool? I agree, but they (the mods) also dont seem to be supportive of that idea either when i've seen it suggested in the past... something about too much server stress IIRC
  3. yea on this site, it would take more moderators and another program probably. but i think it would be cool one day in le future. 
  4. post your thoughts is a chatroom 
  5. I agree. Personally I think it COULD be easy to do like what facebook did, they converted their messages feature into basically messages and a chatroom kind of deal. IDK how much work it is to get a similar feature working on here which would effectively convert the messenger into a PM/Chat feature with the ability to add in more people. Maybe even create dedicated rooms.. IDK.. it would probably be a lot of work for GNIK.
  6. basically this
  7. not cool enough? :confused_2:
    How unenlightened are the people on this forum? lol 
    Made me laugh before when a bunch of clowns were like 'Oh, PTY isn't a chat room' (DERP) 

    Get a clue  :smoking:
  9. PYT is the chatroom.
  10. probably, but i like your idea. inviting people and whatnot and seeing whose online and getting pms etc. that would be a pretty cool feature.

    i understand that post your thoughts exists. thank you numerous blades. 
  11. I like the seamlessness of a chat room as opposed to PYT to catch up on PYT would require you to load each page whereas a chatbox, you would just scroll, and seems a lot more instant.

    I remember a cannabis related chat room in which one member would have the mic, and would stream music from a 3.5mm make to 2.5mm male you were able. Every so often the torch would be passed from person to person.
  13. Guys - PYT isn't a chat room. 
    It's just a thread where people talk constantly in an endless conversation. 
    But it's not a chat thread. Seriously :p 
  14. The passive-aggressive-ness is real in this thread
  15. Not even that hard to make a chat room. So I agree. Make a chat room. Good idea is good. 
    If members are so narrow they can't figure out where the is an apparent chat thread, they deserve it dude  :smoking:
  17. maybe they just want a more seamless chat alternative that doesnt force them to go to unsecure outside websites
  18. PYT is an obvious chat thread...
    There is no point to it besides an endless conversation. If people need more than that, I dunno what the forum could possibly do to make them happy...
  19. #19 llllllllll, Sep 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2014
    PYT is too cliquey im my opinion. 
    Not saying chatrooms are necessary... but it would still be a welcomed feature
  20. The private messenger on this site lets you add more people to a private chat. 2 people and can 8 more.

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