How Long After Taking A Clone Before I Can Flower It?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Steve_French, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. Hey,
    So I have never taken clones before.
    If I take a clone from a veg super lemom haze plant how long would it take before I can put the clone into flower?
    I was thinking maybe I could take a clone and flower it with its mother plant at the same time
  2. Indoor? IDK. outdoor, about 4-5 months. And if it's outdoor, you don't have to "put" it into flowering.....that happens all by itself. Too bad flower season is halfway over....
  3. Yes indoor.
  4. Look in the indoor growing section. Or google it. Good luck!
  5. you can flower it whenever, as long as its rooted it will work. If you want a small plant you can flower a clone as soon as you transplant it
  6. Also depending on what cloning method you use it takes about 1-2 weeks to root. So from the time you take the cutting until you can flower is about 2 weeks, takes me longer for some reason but im new to cloning also
  7. You can put a clone into 12/12 as soon as cut if you like.......but allowing it to root and grow a bit will make it more worthwhile. Once into 12/12 it will slow its root growth which is opposite of what we want in a clone. The clones I have flowered stayed pretty small but I do take pretty small clones. I think the real benefit will be from the experience you gain rather than yield. =). Don't forget you can 'clone' anything for practice without hacking up ur MJ. I am always taking cutting in the garden and friends get free plants as a result of my practice.....

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