Independant Scotland

Discussion in 'Politics' started by daniyalescalus, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Thanks to the last great UK depression in which the Quid lost a 1/3rd of its international grunt, and the elected government decided to take billions of the DHSS and pensioners, just to save the Royal Bank of Scotland... England has had enough of this overseas control, just as the Scots has had there fill of the English
    England wants out of the Euro Union just as Scotland wants in, the condition for Scotland is that they adopt the Euro as a currency, Scotland needs the Euro Union to get the Social Security that all the other smaller shittier countries get Greece and Spain, which is what England and France.,..Germany pay for

    Its no shame that England has been for over the last 10 years been buying its north sea gas and some oil of Norway,Swed and Ru... as the cost of the local crap have skyrocketed, and reserves depleted, other than tourism, whiskey-making and textiles, their is very little to hold Scots in Scotland, a scene very simlar to about 120 years ago
    The fact that Scotland supplies 40% GDP to the UK...yet sucks 63% Social Security from London don't seem to mind the local Scots

    If I were living in London I would draw great comfort in knowing that Hadrian's wall is once again rebuilt, this time with razor wire and UAV's, with food/labor camp to feed the loyal Scots in parks of Glasgow and Edinburgh
    I hope the Scots get what they want, but London will win each way

  2. Its never going to happen anyway.
    Like it or loathe will come right back down to scotlands religious divide.
    I know for a fact the orange order of Scotland will never break the union.
    And if you're a scot you're either kick with you're left or you're right lol

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  3. I was wondering if he got lost.
  4. Scotland will do the right thing and vote Yes in 7 days time. Our country is going to cut itself off from the sinking ship that is the United Kingdom and if it doesn't I dread to think how we will suffer for the next few years as the union implodes even more.

    Scottish people are sick of being screwed by Westminster, oil fields when you look out to sea, foodbanks when you look inland.

    We will win it. Have you ever heard of an independent country regretting the decision to run themselves? We are a country rich in resources, people talent, beautiful landscapes... I could go on.

    It's not that I don't like english people, I have loads of english friends. I feel our country as a union is gradually declining, we need something to change in order to fix this problem but under Westminster rule this will never happen. It will continue to be this way, money for the rich, tax the poor.

    I will be first in line to vote yes on the 18th, I can't wait.
  5. Cant wait to see the snp collapse like a flan in a cupboard lol

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  6. #26 the_tobzster, Sep 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2014
    I am English and I hope they vote 'yes'. I'm sick and tired of using OUR tax money paying for them when all they do is complain and demand more. In Scotland, the average person get's MORE benefits per head from the economy than we ourselves actually get!
    I say give them their independence and watch them fail in 20 years when their oil runs out! They are all so blind with the hatred of the English they fail to see how much we actually do for them and the benefits they get for being part of the U.K. If the vote for independence succeeds, I give it 10 - 20 years, maybe even less, before they come crying back to us wanting to be part of the union again.
    I must say man, although nothing to do with what you said, your display pic is awesome haha  :smoke:
  8. :laughing:

    You, as someone that is part of the UK, should understand the state of the country and why we want to get out. Wouldn't you want to get a fresh start if given the chance? Aren't you sick of hearing about all the money wasted on the government? Do you know there are over 800 MP's each of which is allocated a £300 per day allowance to subsidise their lavish lifestyles while the rest of us struggle daily. I don't want that. I want a new constitution written by the people for the people.

    It doesn't matter if the SNP falls flat on its face. This isn't about political parties, they can and probably will be voted out when the first election for Scottish parliment, as an independent country, takes place.
  9. Im a hun you will never convince me haha

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  10. Haha, well that explains it all. Each to their own my friend. The difference being whatever happens I hope it ends up being good for the whole island. No hate here, just passion for a better future.
  11. No bailouts for Scotland should it declare independence.
  12. Not all scots are for this. Please remember that

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  13. You're right, I know. My husband and 2 of my very close friends are against it. They feel right now nothing is wrong so why upset the balance, but I don't believe there is a balance. I am well aware people don't agree with me don't worry.
  14. A yes vote will not be beneficial in anyway imo. I'm not really sure why they think it will be? I have not seen any good solid arguments. Hope seems to be all they have.

    There will be a loss of jobs and the amount of money it will cost to separate will soon set them back.

    Generally most the yes votes come from younger generation, most intelligent and grown up scottish are for a no because they know it is not in anyway beneficial.
  15. A better future how? Please elaborate.

    A loss of jobs? The money it will cost? The divide it will create? I'm not sure where the better future comes into play.
  16. End of the day though I'm not really fussed what way it goes because I can't see it having much if any affect on me.

    If it's a yes it will be interesting to see how it goes but I'll be surprised if it isn't a no. Soon find out anyway.
  17. Dont forget Scotland does make a lot of money and they could effect the uk's credit rating along with there UN standing by becoming a much smaller and less profitable territory.I also believe Scotland has 80% of progressive seats so if they leave it will a republican run government. and that always turns out well.
  18. @[member="Adam182"]

    Well, let's sum it up as a little analogy..

    I have a weird arrangement with my neighbour. I give him all of my wages, he pays the bills for me and gives me back what's left. he says we're both better off that way, economies of scale and all that, I've seen its cheaper to buy in bulk so he must be right. except recently I've started questioning the arrangement. it's hard to tell but I don't seem to be getting the best deal. (even harder to tell because he has all the receipts and doesn't share the info with me). he's got the bigger house and car, fair enough he earns a bit more than me, but people with the same wage as I have (who don't have this arrangement) all seem to be much better off. from what i can gather, I'm getting a fair bit less back than what I'm giving out. he says I'm wrong, and keeps telling me I'm a scrounger living off his handouts. he's taken control of most of the official stuff, last year he "reassigned" a fair part of my back garden to become his back garden now, and tried to keep quiet about it. he's also decided that his gas boiler is a bit dangerous, so that gets kept outside my bedroom window, where it would destroy the majority of my house should there be an accident, but leave his intact. I did ask him to move it back since I don't even want gas heating, but he said it would be too dangerous keeping it next to his house. he's also pitting in a new high speed driveway, and says I get to share in the cost, even though it doesn't actually touch my land at all, and it's bloody expensive! we share a common budget, so any major works that are done are shared, fair enough, but all the major work gets done on his house, which ain't so fair. even if improving his house devalues mine, I still get to contribute to improving his house. so I've been thinking about scrapping this arrangement and going it alone. it's a little scary to be honest, exciting but scary. going out and being my own man, doing my own thing with my own money, I'm a little worried I won't always get it right, but I'm hopeful things will improve. I'll be able to start spending my money on what I need, rather than ask him and hope he needs it too, or won't mind giving me some of my money back for it. but now he's started scaring me even more. for example, he told me my shopping would get more expensive if i went to Asda myself, but I asked the manager there and she said he's talking nonsense again. he's being going round the other neighbours trying to get them to convince me it's a bad idea, even using some of my money to bribe some of them into saying so! (Boris across the road stuck him in). he says I won't be allowed back on the neighbourhood committee either. I've been to every meeting since it started, albeit as a partnership, I was there before all the other neighbours, and they all like me and want me there, but he says they won't let me back. they're not allowed to officially declare anything yet, the committee is kinda beareaucratic they way, since it's currently his name on my paperwork, he's the only one allowed to ask, but won't. he never usually comes to visit, but this last week I can't get rid of him, he's all over my house telling me it's gonna be too expensive to redecorate, that the plants in the garden will all wither and die, and the burglars will all suddenly flock to Rob me. it all sounds a bit ridiculous to be honest, and it's not the first time I've caught him lying to me. on the bright side, after telling me for years it's just a stupid idea, this past week he's decided I might be onto something, and has offered offered a "mystery prize" if I decide to stay. ooh mystery prize! exciting! he won't hint how big a prize though. so I've got just under a week left to decide. what do you think? Yes or No?
  19. #39 Alaric, Sep 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2014
    He is so clearly a thief and manipulating you. Is this real? Has to be trolling, but I guess some people just don't know better. Wouldn't be the first time someone trusting got taken advantage of, seen it before plenty. 
  20. #40 Alaric, Sep 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2014
    Enjoy that civil war if independence happens, one million scots cannot vote because they do not live in the country, even if they live in the UK or Britain. You cannot deny citizens a vote, this should go real well.
    Not that I do not love every second of this for all the shit we Americans took from the British for years for simply being who we are.

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