Movies To Watch Stoned That Arent The Normal Nonsense

Discussion in 'General' started by tacos777, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Hi all,
    I signed up literally to ask this and hopefully get a list going. I am looking for awesome movies to watch high that aren't the banal, repetitive, awful nonsense dominating most of these lists. Don't get me wrong, I love all sorts of stuff. However, I don't want to be watching comedies and drug movies.
    Here is an example of some of the best high movies for me:
    Requiem for a Dream
    Black Swan
    Number 23
    Casino Royale
    Fight Club
    Lord of the Rings
    Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
    This is the type of thing I'm talking about. Yeah, laughing and relaxing is awesome, but I like to be glued to my seat from intensity or overboard action (but not to the point of stupid). I'm not a high school kid anymore, I'm not going to spend my time watching questionable comedies with dumb humor.
    Got a list for me?

  2. one that randomly comes to mind among others is very bad things.
  3. Requiem for a dream is the shit. I really seem to enjoy the Breakfast Club. Clock work orange is also a great move to watch stoned because you think way more about how fucked up what the character goes through. It's sort of scary to think what would happen if the government came up with something like that to treat prisoners with. You will under stand what I'm saying if you watch it. Not something for you if your sensitive to extreme violence.

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  4. if you like requiem, try trainspotting, quills, and PI. (not the life of PI). but be prepared for a thorough mind fuck. especially with PI. Oh and throw in party monster, cell, and I second the clock work orange. 
  5. shutter island, jurassic park, from dusk till dawn, harry potter 7s, tropic thunder, avatar (if you has a good tv for the colors/visual effects), christmas vacation, the little rascals, indiana jones and the temple of doom.

    idk im just looking at my movies and picking out what i would be down to watch right now. im high
  6. Mother .fucking. Donnie. Darko.

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    Oh and good choice with fight club, that movie is fucking awesome stoned

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  7. Stupidest fucking movie I've ever seen in my entire life. Completely pointless, horribly filmed, and it made 0 sense. Literally no point to it at all. The kids were irritating.

    I suggestion Contact (1993) with Jodie Foster. Great fuckin' movie.
  8. I second shutter island, really good. You're next is quite good too, lots of suspense and some dark humour.

  9. shutter Island is good I agree but it is also pretty predictable. If you've ever seen a mystery thriller you'll have guessed the "twist ending" about 1/4 of the way through the movie. still good, though.
  10. Rubber, primer, upstream color
  11. The matrix, pulp fiction. and people seem to like the big lebowski a lot.
  12. Rubber is so weird haha. Didn't know if it was because I was too high, or it was just the movie itself lol
  13. Pineapple Express and this is the end and that new Seth rogan movie with the pot and hot girls

    Rainbow family :)
  14. The gingerdead man

    Greatest horror (comedy?) movie
  15. Haha those movies are hilarious
  16. #19 iAmBetty, Sep 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2014
    I used to love renting old, crappy horror movies, but I've seen them all now. I have to wait for maybe one new one every year worth watching

    Did anyone see that one movie a few years ago where they were in the woods, and then by the end they were in some crazy monster prison thing

    What was that called? I actually liked that one a lot.

    Edit: Cabin in the woods
  17. Was going to say this and Requiem for a Dream. Too slow, I suck :laughing:
    Oh, and No Country for Old Men. I have no idea if that's the kind of thing you're looking for, but I just recently watched the movie, years after reading the book, and it was fantastic!

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