If Free Speech Had A Purpose, Would You Recognize It?-This Your 1St Right

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ChristopherABrown, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. #381 Vicious, Oct 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2014
    You just assume he was threatened? Not that it was an easter egg or an allusion? You're really pulling for straw. If the cover was a threat to the secrecy of project it would have C&D'd.

    Barbara is a womans name.  That is how much attention you are paying to this information you are working to dismiss.
    It is unlikely that a book on human memory would be published without mention of dissociation and repression in 1974.  In fact its impossible that a professor of psychology would publish such a book without some coercing reason.
    I heard from the Indigenous people here the CIA showed up and used hypnosis on anthropologists to get them to NOT study they practices associated with winter solstice and keeping oral histories.
  3. What does the person's gender have to do with anything. I admit  I didn't read the name, nothing to do with what I dismiss.
    Once again, your facts are anecdotal or based on paranoid assumption. For someone so caught up in absolutes, facts and proof you easily jump to assumptions and correlations to fill in gaps.
    Psychologies dysfunction needs explanation and it is also unaccountable. 
    The fact is that government and the courts have been depriving me of justice, due process and my rights for a reason.  I now know what that is.  You work against anyone besides me knowing that just like government and the courts do.
    Things need explanation and I run with what is most logical until something better is found.  This is ABSOLUTELY reasonable considering the seriousness of what is happening.
  5. speaking of accountability

    You have yet to prove infiltrators even exist let alone that we are infiltrators

    Your behavior proves it, or that you are conditioned by cognitive infiltration, but of course you're not the person to recognize that and admit it.
    It is proven there is an extensive training program.
    That has been created by gchq of English government.  They do not spend that kind of time and money for nothing.  I've been seeing it for about 10 years, after about 2006 I knew what I was looking at and found consistencies.  Your posting and that of others here has telltales of its intention.
    Conditioning can create that, but not the persistence in the conditions you exhibit, making you an covert infiltrator for all intents and purposes.
  7. The following is prima facie proof of a Ph.D psychologist committing perjury in writing on state court documents.  This is not the only fraud I've encountered.  Of course the court that accepted the Ph.D's testimony after being preseted this is a fraud too.
    EXPLANATION of significant information of document. Forth check box down is checked indicating the document is under penalty of perjury. Dated 10-01-200, "signature on file" to right of the date.


    The post mark on the letter is October 4, 2002. Three days after he declared under penalty of perjury that he had mailed the "REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE" on October 1, he actually mailed it three days later on the October 4. Perjury on state court documents. Those 3 days would have preventing me from wasting a trip to the court, I had not picked up mail recently.

  8. False
    The fact that I'm not an infiltrator proves everything you said here wrong
    No. Its not.

    Once again, for you know what proof means?

    Please Google the "scientific meathod"
    Except I'm not an infiltrator. Tue fact that you actually believe that I'm an infiltrator is why I can't take.you seriously aabout anything else you say
  9. You just posted personal information on the internet

    Which is odd.considering how paranoid you are

    Maybe you really aren't all there

  10. I hope you enjoy your pizza and free Qurans
  11. #391 ChristopherABrown, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    Maybe I'm not paranoid. Or maybe not in a way you can understand. "paranoid" is a label, a cognitive distortion. You do that a lot. They prevent understanding.

    The important thing is I've proven the Ph.D psychologist committed perjury when he was guilty of fraud, and the court had no problem with his written perjury, took his testimony and enabled his fraud.
  12. #392 yurigadaisukida, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    paranoid is not a lable

    Paranoid is when a person thinks other people are personally out to get them

    When you say the majority of active users here are infiltrators specifically trying to silence YOU, that's the definition of paranoid

    You aren't special. What you are doing poses zero threat to Tue government. If it did you'd be behind bars thanks to the patriot act.

    Ever think of that? Why are you not locked up?

  13. Paranoid IS a label.

    People who do not think cannot understand cognitive infiltration, or that is a ploy of a cognitive infiltrator, to pretend they cannot think.

    Not SILENCE, try and prevent people from understanding so they cannot unite to take effective action.

    The links to the stories are about real things, that is why the stories were written. But an infiltrator would not want people to know that, meaning your discernable intent is consistent with what motivates a cognitive infiltrator.
  14. #394 yurigadaisukida, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    its still circular logic.

    You've convinced yourself that I'm an infiltrator because I act like an infiltrator; and when I don't act like an infiltrator you say its a lie. Its literally impossible for me to not be an infiltrator because you've decided that anything I say that doesn't prove I'm an infiltrator is a lie.

    You haven't proven that I'm an.infiltrator. you CLAIMED that I must be because everything I've posted here is a lie to.create the illusion that I'm a normal person.

    You are paranoid. Its not a label. Its a word. And that word has a definition.

    Oh yea, and you used my typos as evidence that I'm an infiltrator. LOL.
    When you said "what is a bunny of fish" and suggested this proves I'm an infiltrator, it proved you are not sincere and are simply a troll.

  15. #395 yurigadaisukida, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    Also you still haven't answered my question.

    Why aren't you behind bard? You are aware of the patriot act and ndaa?

    It would be easier and cheaper for them to just black bag you with no trial. If you really posed a threat and they were really after you.

    You have delusions of grandeur

    The Illuminati doesn't even know you exist

    Shows how ignorant you are of secret societies.  Or perhaps it is better to say you pretend to be that ignorant.
    I'm operating in an intellectual/spiritual realm, not the gross plane you are in.  If this was NOT true, you would be interested in law, and be able to integrate lawful concepts of the founding documents.
    Hah, ha, ha, ha, ha .  .  . using the term "mate" is not a typo limey.  You cannot, NOT act like an infiltrator.
  18. Blimey he doesn't understand jokes either!

  19. Why is he an infiltrator just because you think he is from Australia? Do you realize this forum reaches an international audience and it's based in The Netherlands?
    Australians are notorious for being shitposters, even Chris knows this.

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