Human Evolution And Racism

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Liquid Swords, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Homo Sapiens, having originated in Africa spread out in groups throughout the world. As these groups became more isolated from each other, their gene pools evolved differently (Africans stayed black, Europeans got whiter, Asians got squintier eyes, etc). So over time, the Homo Sapien became different races of people with different characteristics due to various isolated gene mutations in regions of the world where those genes were successful in the environment. When the races created their own civilizations and began exploring the world, they met each other for the first time since the dawn of man when we were all of similar genes. Now seeing people of different colors and lifestyles for the first time ever, it is completely understandable that there was initial distrust and racism between the different cultures of people. However in todays society, we are exposed to different cultures, languages, and people on a daily basis. There is no need for distrust among races, and any modern day racism (vandalizing mosques, making threads about how you love the word nigger, etc) is a product of those individuals refusal to accept percieved inferiority, so they would rather spread hate than admit that were all human, and that no one race is better than the others.
  2. I planet 1 people ......please!
  3. In time there will be no such thing as racism... we the people will continue to mate with other races thus becomming one race altogether.
    Dont beleive me?
    Well 50 years ago is was an abomination for a white woman to be with a black man or a black woman to be with a white man.
    Now a days we have all types of mixes of race
  4. I've evolved into a sub-human sloth species
  5. Racism will always exist. There's nothing anyone can do about it.
  6. But when we give up, we all lose.
  7. #7 s A t I v A, Aug 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2014
    TIME did a great study about how humans will look in 2050. We are beautiful.
  8. Lol

    Still goin at it
  9. This, Its sad how some people still haven't gotten past it.
    I am completely against racism, my entire family is. I rememeber my mother talking about a bigot who complained about a equal rights sticker we had on the door to the store on our campground. and she said everyone is accepted here even bigots. But I have to agree with @[member="CMGarcia55"] it will always exist, there will always be a group of bigots somewhere, but we out number the crap out of them, just remember that.
  10. Pretty much this. There'll always be SOMEONE, no matter how far in the future it is..
  11. #11 AK Infinity, Sep 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2014
    Yup, but some people have little imagination, tolerance, empathy or enough intellect to understand this.  Good post though....

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