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How To Smoke Hash ?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by iceT, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Only have an oil rig with ti nail and it won't dab. Torched it while it was on nail but no vapor really and i didn't get high. Waddo I do
  2. #2 coraygc, Aug 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2014
    The part of the rig where the dome covers (I forgot what you call it really)-  Heat that up until red hot.  Then put the dome over it- Put your dab onto the nail and then introduce the nail to the red hot part.  Don't heat the dab/nail, rather introduce the dab/nail to the hot element. 
  3. im usin domeless
    Dude I have no idea what you're talking about
  4. I believe you would still do the same procedure just without the dome- however i'm not really sure if the vapor would concentrate at all then- Iv'e only done dabs with a domed rig. Sorry if that didn't help. 
  5. I got it now. Just gotta press the hash onto the nail while it's hot. I'm feelin good
    Oh & last day smokin for a few months. Stay up everyone
  6. If you want, you could load a bowl with weed and light it. While the cherry is hot, you can dab you oil onto it. It prob wont be vapor though if thats what your ultimately tryin to achieve.

    I do that with little hash balls all the time.
  7. #7 Old School Smoker, Aug 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2014
    I smoke hash in a pipe. With a lighter. Are you talking about bubble hash?
  8. Yep. I do the hash on cherry method cause the flowersnormally catch before I get the hash to.
  9. yeah hash in a pipe alone or with bud and a lighter has worked fine for me for over 40 years.

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