At What Point Can You Interfere With Someones Religion?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by gsr, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. So let me get this's illegal to use cannabis and other psychedelic unmentionables in the name of religion, even though people have been doing it for tens of thousands of years, and it is likely the source of all religion in the first place, but it is just totally cool to kill animals and use their corpses to try to pass on your bad luck to some infidel? Sounds reasonable.
  2. at the point when they knock on your door and say "have you heard about Mormons and how fucking awesome we aren't?"
    for me the rule is when they start soliciting me about their drivel. i am cool with a hello and something about what they are selling. i give them the token "not interested" and anything after that is fair game. you got to remember that in some small way the people who are trying to steal your soul are doing it for a good reason. they think you will burn in some sort of lake O' fire or what not that their books tell them is going to happen to non believers because my religion is better then yours.
  3. I'm catholic and have two baptized children. Some might say pouring water on a newborns head is harmful in some way but I do believe I would take offense to that.
    At the end of the day that is their belief system and the fact that it disagrees with mine is irrelevant because I have no need to bathe my kids in goats blood.
    So at the end of the day...
    Not my circus...not my monkeys.
  4. Yup.
    Mormons, including mormon teens (12 and over) are having ceremonies posthumously and retroactively baptizing Holocaust victims (by proxy, of course) into their church, and no one's calling cps on that.
  5. At the point their religion starts to interfere
    in my life.
    You want to be religious, go to church.
    Stop trying to convert me.
    I've ditched friends who did that.
  6. #46 Old School Smoker, Sep 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2014
    What if the goats blood was diseased and made the child sick? Then can CPS be called in?
    Raw blood can be dangerous. Any parasites or diseases the animals have will be passed directly to you. It's a great way to get tapeworms or trichinosis. Lovely. You might even pick up a case of hepatitis
  7. #47 Knitting Mama, Sep 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2014
    IF you ingest it.  Are you saying you'd call CPS if someone's kids helped on their family farm?  Because farm kids get a whole lot of literal shit on them.  But that's what running water's for.
    What about sushi?  Can kids eat sushi without someone calling CPS?
    How about playgrounds?  Should I be calling CPS on anyone who lets their kids play in the sand areas of local parks?  DO YOU KNOW WHAT LIVES AND HAPPENS IN THOSE THINGS? *shudder*
  8. So i'm a troll because you practice this religion eh? screw those who question it because they dont share your beliefs, right?

    On a lighter note: i like the feedback this thread has gotten. I would never call cps myself, but it is something i believe many would think about. Santeria is very interesting and it is something ive been perplexed by both from firsthand experience and through classes at FIU.
  9. when did I say I practice Santeria?
  10. My grandfather used to have a saying, god rest his soul.

    It was, "to each his own said the ol' lady as she kissed the cow."

    Roughly translated it means "mind your own fucking business and let others be"

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