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Developing Allergice Reaction To Cannabis

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by skeeter13, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. I have been smoking weed for over 40 years on and off.  Since my son died 3 years ago i required alot more of the stuff and it was getting too costly so I started growing my own.  The first grow was outdoors and when i harvested i noticed a little itching, which went away as soon as i washed the area. The 2nd grow several months ago i had several unknown plants which were hybrids and turned out beyond great.  I had no problem with these plants except for two indicas that were blue cheese.  I hung them last and every time i got close to drying buds i would get all the allergy symtoms, runny nose, sneezing, watering burning, itching in eyes.  This weed was really potent.  So  I got it all harvested and cured for several days and then tried to smoke some.  I tried all the other plants, no problem. The blue cheese made my lips numb and i would get a headache.  My reaction to this plant was i want nothing to do with this.  After the weed was cured for 3weeks, i was able to smoke with no allergic reaction.  Now I'm a few weeks from harvesting moby dick and mayweather og kush.  This grow, i have to wash my hands and arms because i start itching just taking down leaves.  When i get close to buds to check the hairs and trychomes i get an allergic reaction similar to what the blue cheese caused.  I have been smoking alot for awhile now.  My question is this.  Have i developed an intolerance to weed.   Does anyone else have similar problems with this wonderful plant?  What should i do?

  2. I hope not. Wish I could help you, hold on ill try something. ¥&x@*:( heal), Did that help any:mellow:?

  3. Maybe it's the chemicals or other, organic too, things you're using for the plant?
  4. Thank you for your input, i think it's a combination of things.  I will really flush reallly well this time and try to smoke less and see what happens.
  5. Hmm, are you using the same growing medium for your plants? Maybe you're allergic to that and not the weed. If you stopped havin an allergic reaction after curing for a little while it's possible some of the chemicals that maybe weren't completely flushed evaporated. Either way it's completely possible to develop an allergy to cannabis, but you're more likely allergic to the nutes you might be using. At least that's my opinion

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