Fuck Conservative Media

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Enigma, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Fuck liberal media? Have fun getting arrested for a gram and maybe going to some industrialized prison. It's the liberal media thats is helping us get weed legalized.
      There are both fucked up media in conservative (rush limbaugh) and liberal (sean hannity). We MUST think for ourselves or we are screwed.

  2. Just no

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  3. No. It's a CD. It makes me turn off fox news. I put on the headphones and listen to Roger Waters softly whisper "The lunatic is in my head" and hearing David Gilmour (I think) laugh at me.
  4. I'd rather weed be illegal than watch brown people being murdered from drone strikes.
    I dont see MSNBC doing anything about weed legalization either. They wouldnt be so pro-Obama if they actually cared.
  5. Why no? We need both liberal and conservative media to help us make decisions. Like i said, we need to think for ourselves.
      You are thirsty. You ask me to get you something to drink. I offer you a glass of refreshing ice cold spring water, and a bottle of liquid plumber. Think for yourself. Which will you decide to drink?
  6. I agree. I was saying no to giving credit to the liberal media for weed legalization.

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  7. They are helping. But they did not start the fire. We did.
    Hannity isn't liberal, he's as "conservative" (cough cough) as Limbaugh.
    What is it they're trying to "conserve" you ask? Big government, apparently.
    They may help you decide which party of tyrants may rule over us, but not much else.
    How about a REAL choice, like levers that say: "Vote FOR government."
    "Vote AGAINST government."
    At least that's the way I see it. :(
    Whoever brought up Bill O'Reilly's name up last page: O'Reilly has to be the biggest asshole of any of them.
  9. #29 Royal Vengeance, Aug 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2014
    Lol I noted him as entertainment not a source of news :p

    His show is entertaining as fuck. Got big names constantly and he just belittles and degrades them or someone else.

    He's like if Gordon Ramsay just cut out all the cooking.
  10. ●

    Attached Files:

    I'm too old to argue, and I do not like listening to other people arguing and shouting.
    Who is Gordon Ramsay?
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLXRxXIkjB0
  13. scarecrow needs a..
  14. If your young and aren't a liberal you have no heart.

    If you are old and are not conservative you have no brain.

    Thanks fizzly for that awesome quote

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    ? What quote? :confused:
    Exactly. We are never taught the true political spectrum and never have a choice to dismantle the system.
    Asking for the media to think for us is incredibly irresponsible.
    It was my take of a column I read years ago where the author said: No matter who you vote for, you're always voting for government.
  18. I've been listening to conservative radio for pure entertainment. I can't decide if I enjoy the actual shows or their commercials more. So many trying to scam old people.
  19. ImO The only way to vote against the government is not to vote. Otherwise you're just legitimizing it.

    bat mobile
    Voting makes them (and the media) think they are legitimate. The worst thing that can happen to a government is for the people to no longer consider it legitimate. They hate ridicule.
    I've never really read anything about this, but IMO the Soviet Union collapsed because the millions of people under its thumb said "Fuck you. You suck, we're not doing what you say anymore."
    Even totalitarian regimes cannot last without support of the people.

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