Colorados Anti-Pot lab Rat Campaign Hits Snag

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by xdog, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]
    BOULDER, Colo. (AP) - A provocative anti-marijuana campaign aimed at Colorado youths has angered marijuana activists for its tag line, "Don't Be a Lab Rat." Now a Colorado school system is declining to display a human-size cage used in the campaign.
    The Boulder Valley School District says it won't participate in the campaign, The Daily Camera reports. Recreational pot sales to those 21 and older in Colorado became legal this year.
    "We had concerns about the use of human-scale rat cages being an effective tool for getting 12-to-15-year-olds to understand the risks involved with their developing brains," school district spokesman Briggs Gamblin said.
    Superintendent Bruce Messinger emailed all district principals before the launch of the cages in Denver, informing them that the school district administration would formally oppose "Don't Be a Lab Rat" on the grounds that "a human scale 'rat cage'" may not be the most effective prop for the campaign's message.
    Instead, the cage will be displayed near a city park through Sept. 15.
    The "Lab Rat" display, targeted at 12-to-15-year-olds, is part of the state's public education campaign about pot's potential to harm a developing brain. The campaign is funded by marijuana taxes.
    "Schizophrenia. Permanent IQ loss. Stunted brain growth," the campaign's website reads. "Still, some people question this research. Claiming the studies need to go deeper. Look further. But who will be their guinea pigs? Who's going to risk their brains to find out once and for all what marijuana really does?"
    The 12-foot-long, 8-foot-high cage attracted vandals and jeers when it was outside a public library and skate park.
    The campaign comes to Boulder after a run at two different Denver locations, the public library and the downtown skate park.
    One man even smoked pot inside the cage and posted the picture on social media sites.
    Dr. Larry Wolk, who runs the state health department, told the KCNC-TV in Denver, "at least they're taking notice."
    Boulder's Shawn Coleman, a marijuana industry lobbyist, said the campaign suggested pot could usher someone behind bars.
    "The first thing that happens is you see the illusion that cannabis use equals cage. So using marijuana equals jail," he said.
    Gamblin said the school district simply worried about how students would take the campaign.
    "I think the intent came from a really positive place," Gamblin said. "But we just are not convinced that students would perceive it that way."

  3. LOL about the man smoking inside. I live in Co, if they did one nearby i would happily post counter propaganda info on it or nearby. Especially the research demonstrating that opposed to their anti science rhetoric, cannabis is proved to be a fantastic neuro protectant. And those studies they mention are inconclusive at best.

    Very disappointing that our cannabis taxes are paying for propaganda campaigns.

    Basically this tells me another reason why one should grow their own as a Co citizen. No taxes. Obviously cheaper for other reasons too but no taxes means that you wouldn't be funding this garbage.
  4. good. fuck the lies they use on the campaign
  5. #5 FrankTheTank28, Aug 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2014
    I love how the opponents think that the people in Colorado are doing something that has not been done before. Everyone was getting stoned in Colorado way before the amendment took place and else where in the country. Not to mention we as a species have been using cannabis for a long time.  So to say that scientist can't wait to find out... Is just fucking silly. 

    Unfortunately, are children going to obtain cannabis? Yes. However, are they also going to obtain narcotics, alcohol, or other substances? Of course. This is not a valid premise. 
  6. #6 Ted Mishler, Sep 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2014
    why is it that the prohibitionists love to build human cages?
    pretty cagey people if you ask me
    people at the Denver public library wrote all kinds of stuff on that cage
    but the haters of the constitutional rights of the cannabis community erased the comments, as the true comments put the haters in a rage
    the government requires the drug czar to lie
    so why do people believe the lies the warmongers tout, i ask why?
    as a kid with crohns, i was on the toilet at home and missed half of school, which failed me with f's
    I could have benefited from the use of cannabis 
    the haters of the cannabis communities's constitutional rights do not realize the truth that compared to the fed's heroin pills and alcohol, cannabis is actually quite mild
    warring against people in the united states is the definition of High Treason
    the end of the problem will be seen by all when we enforce high treason laws, and arrest the true criminals who discriminate against us through urinalysis, after the public officials who all take oaths to protect everyone's constitutional rights, commits perjury and "lies" and wars instead against the cannabis community, preventing their employment through illegal discrimination through urinalysis etc, after in office attempting their best to hatefully and spitefully starve and punish the cannabis community for no reason
    i can show proof of the many hundreds of pounds of steel over the last 3 and one half months i have brought in from the river to scrap
    so where is my lack of motivation to do anything, the liars' words are likened to crap
    i made enough for food and cannabis for my head
    the idiots think i am a no account no body so what can be said
    don't like going to any community kitchen as they tell you what you will eat
    i am more choosy than that, and prefer to choose the foods that i am in the mood for, and besides kitchen food downtown never fills me up, id rather buy my own food
    a welder at the bike pit said that he would help me weld up a camper for the winter, and i thought id put thick insulation on the sides, and the frame will be a ordinary bed frame, the angle iron will be welded, and it then will be harder for thieves to steal my bike if i am sleeping right next to it
    3rd paragraph, second sentence you will see for yourself
    it is therefore illegal to war against us in the first place making the war and discrimination against us illegal, and the laws high treasonously unlawful, and void
    articles that speak as though the laws on the books are just, just annoy
    doctors used to prescribe cannabis sativa to infants for colic
    the feds need to stop promoting drinking as though a good person is an alcoholic
    what good is the constitution of the united states of america if it is not even honored
    the cannabis community is supposed to have the right to the religion of their choice, but that idea seems squandered
    the declaration of independence says in part that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
    the traitors to the country also overlooks the bible's commandments bearing false witness
    and doing not unto others what they want done to themselves GOD we trust is even on common currency
    it seems that in money, and high treasonous war they trust, as they illegally removed the cannabis communities right to exist
    trying their best to promote the extinction of a whole species, the murderous hypocrites
    they speak of the atrocities of hitler killing all those jews, how many many more were killed in the war against the cannabis community i ask you
    as they many years ago removed manna from legal use, and replaced it with money, there was a time long ago that cannabis was used for monetary trade
    now the traitors use the excuse of cannabis use as an excuse to plunder and raid
    the war against the cannabis community is a cowardly act by those promoting slavery
    cannabis has been shown to promote neuron development, but you won't hear that study mentioned, where is they're bravery?
    they have no faith that God will protect them from harm
    so they take comfort in bullets and being armed
    perfect love casts out all fear
    the prohibitionists of cannabis know not brotherly love, and shun the thought of opening the third eye as a seer
    warring against the cannabis community overlooks the high treason laws, declaration of independence, as well as treating others the way they want to be treated in the bible
    cannabis has been used for spiritual reasons for thousands of years, why can't we sue them for libel?
    i personally have had many spiritual experiences with the magical cannabis plant and I truly consider it to be dear
    and a gift from God and an honor to have in my head, as i feel very priviledged to have witnessed the effects making this world an exciting and fun place to be, and i feel very blessed to even be here
    in ancient times people found they could live a thousand years or so before their bodies' cells mutated into that much dreaded of diseases called old age and ended up dead
    to have a cure for our ailments and not tell people about it to gain monetarily isn't right
    no one should look up to the warmongers, they are just bullies, looking to spread their dis-ease in their head of war and they're want to rage and fight 
    i suspect the war on the cannabis community goes back for hundreds of years, long before this country was founded
    because kaneh bosom used to be in the bible and a "misprint?" changed kenah bosm to calumus
    or if it wasn't a misprint, it was a deliberate change
    to keep the truth from the common people that their really is a gift from God for all of our bodies and brains
    it is here for us all to freely use
    haters of our constitutional rights some how believe that happiness through the use of cannabis is some sort of abuse
    perhaps that is why aging is so common these days and why it is common to get old and have a jazzy scooter
    as those warmongers promote sometimes deadly pills, and prohibit our right to use cannabis and know the truth benefit monetarily, the death loving looters
    their gestapo like lives are not consistent with any country who says it believes in freedom
    so what is the solution? President Obama did say that it is important that the legalization of cannabis move forward
    No where in the constitution does it ban the cannabis community from the fruits of the constitution in the first place, so how did any group of people get the notion that warring on groups of people in this country isn't a high treasonous act, what is the solution?
    We all really need to tell it like it is and be honest
    in Denver, they indicate on packages of cannabis bought the percent of thc present
    but that will never show the effects that will be felt after imbibation
    they need to be honest and do a beam test which will indicate the true thc rotation
    it will prove that a rotation for instance maybe of minus 270 degrees would have the effects of the want to take a nap, as it will promote sleep perhaps, i do not know the true numbers, this is just an example, like perhaps a wide leafed indica would maybe produce, while a skinny leafed sativa, or a unusual varietied rare strain of plant of thcv, may have a thc rotation that might be plus 270 degrees and the effects of that would feel uplifting, making sleep an impossibility til the effects wear off which could take a long time, the beam test will indicate the true effects of the cannabis that is purchased, not thc presence testing only
    some people say they do not like cannabis due to their reaction to it, not realizing that perhaps they did not try the proper strain with the proper thc rotation, and then they mistakenly think that no cannabis plant can ever benefit them, which is not true
    then we have the feds lying man i tell you
    being high is just the state of mind to where on feels well in the cannabis world, and i know that everyone likes to feel well physically and mentally, which cannabis has the potential of helping all who seek out its true healing effects, and i believe then that we all have a cannabis plant out their somewhere that has the potential to bless all of our lives, thank you GOD, I am sure that there is a strain out their that has the proper thc rotation to make everyone well and happy, they just need to learn to what degree the thc rotation needs to be, and whether they need negative or positive rotation through experimentation to achieve the experience they wish to have in their head, whether it be to help one sleep, or to help have a up-beat enthusiastical, age extending, pleasant life promoting, cellular repairing, conflict reducing, HARVEY type of experience like James Stewart had in that fictitious movie, that kind of has in a way a reality to it in the cannabis world, subtracting the alcohol Mr Stewart's character used of course in that film,  although, there is no rabbit either of course, lol, we all can have though a life extending psychedelical magical experience, or spiritual, etc,  wherever the person's goals of their mind takes them, cannabis can assist positively, to be sure, where time may seem to be meaningless as time will appear to stand still in a way with a strong sativa with a certain psychedelical promoting effect for instance if that is what one is after etc, the word magic got its roots from the magi, who used cannabis, yes, it really has been around thousands of years, meanwhile some drunks, and pill heads prefer we just say no to cannabis and be happy to die young at only 120 years
    why don't they believe in the Lords Prayer that people hold so dear
    especially thy will be done on earth as well as heaven, which is to say that one day heaven will be on earth, and the lion will truly be tame and walk with the lamb etc
    that will be a time when bullies will be seen for what they are and shunned, as the prohibitionists then will be the only ones with a tear
    Charlo Greene, is a real woman with backbone, and a true angel on this earth
    she has a beautiful personality, as well as outwardly appearance
    I really feel that her honesty should be commended
    and wish her well in her endeavors, in my book, she is highly recommended
    for if it takes an epithet to get noticed then let it be so
    wow Charlo!, really, WAY-to GO!
    bless her heart
  7. Yeah, propaganda is the thesis for pseudoscience.

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