Scrog Help

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by Bongzillaa, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, I have 3 plants plants, the strains are skywalker kush, tangerine dream and girl scout cookies. I have fimmed and lsted them and they are getting real bushy and are really starting to fill out my 3x3 space. I'm hoping that you guys can tell me if they are scrogable and when to flip into 12/12. I havn't set up a net or anything yet, so if its do-able im guessing ill have to put put up the net now? i'll attach some pictures below,
    Thanks, any help will be appreciated


    Attached Files:

  2. Dude u need to put the ScroG now!I did the same mistake check my jopurnal.I put the ScroG too late.Still not a problem but u need tu put the net and change to 12/12 when 75 % of the screen is filled .
  3. yeah you can scrog a plant anytime..
    i've put a screen over 4-5' tall plants w/o issue. (just gotta do it carefully)
    flip to 12/12 when the screen is almost full..
  4. thanks guys I'm gonna put up the net today
  5. I put up the net a couple days ago.
    here's some pictures, what do you guys think?
    they're looking pretty bushed out, should i trim some of the undergrowth?
    any other tips or help will be appreciated

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  6. I wouldn't trim under the screen until you have a fair amount of growth above the screen. There's no need to do it yet, it's all working toward the same goal

    A net is used to support the growth. A screen is used for training. That's why it's called "screen of green"
    yeah what GG said..
    let them fill in, flip to 12/12.. let them stretch a bt then pull what isn't going to make it to the top.
    no need to rush things.
    your plants look very nice btw..
  8. alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight thanks felllas
  9. #9 bionecrosis, Sep 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2014
    Dude GoldGrower why u think so¿Look at the first picture and u will see there is enaught space below the net seems profund green and the light can't penetrate so those parts of the plant will never develop.The trimming is need to be done befor the 12/12cicle come.Also u say something for screen and for the net.Is same the diference is that some growers don,t use it properly so it converts some kind of suport and not ScroG what is to spreed the grow thrue all the net
     In this case I will kill some of the lower branches befor I change to flowerthis is the time to do it.Later will be stress.Killing lower branches get more aeration and light penetration.
  10. Then I guess we grow differently. I'm fed up of arguing on here. I offer my way of doing things, people can either follow my advice or follow someone else's. It's up to them
  11. I think i will trim a little bit under there its getting pretty hectic. 
    I'm having trouble filling out the front of the tent, the back of tent is pretty much filled and most of it is growing past the net. should I start flowering now or veg through to the corners and have the back a over grown then flip? ill show you guys some pics so you know what i'm talking about

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  12. Keep all the growth under the screen. Bend the branches out to fill the corners and keep everything under the screen. Once the underside has filled out you can switch to 12/12 and let the growing tips all come up through at the same time. At the moment your screen in not even close to be filled. It looks like the plant has only just reached the screen.

    Pinching out shoots and cutting off immature branches under the screen is to be left until 2-3 weeks in to flowering. Only then can you be sure about what will reach the screen and what won't. At the moment all the leaves are working hard so don't cut any off
  13. Yep clip n tuck bro fill the screen then flip I'd start defoliatingnow personally the leaves will replace every 1 u cut off 2 will take its place in feeding the plant
  14. You are thinking of topping. That's taking growing tips out, not grown leaves. Leaves have a very important job, they should be left to do that
  15. #15 Pot Professor Paul, Sep 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2014
    are we talking about growing buds or leaves bro??? im not talking about topping or fimming gold im talking about the fact that everytime a plant loses a leaf 2 take its place. so if u have a big fan leaf and say a deer a dog cat bear any animal comes along and eats it, as long as there is a pair of leaves at least an inch in size still connected close to the "fan" leaves old site, they will take over feeding the branch. both leaves until one is stronger than the other and dominates feeding the branch. this is how botany is 1 is replaced by 2 so that the plant will survive if something terrible happens to it. like say half the plant gets eaten by an animal. 
  16. We are talking about growing leaves. The plant is vegging. You don't get bud until you flower
  17. Either way until the end of the plants life if it loses leaves 2 replace feeding the said branch. If a said leaf dies before it even is half dead it sucks more away from the plant then it benefits. Once its past a certain point in growing as in the leaf.... It no longer is anything more than a SUCKER its stem the leaf will turn a pretty candy apple red sometimes starts in that center circle where the leaf and the veins meet the stem. That turns color first the circle. Then the stem then the fingers of the leaf. Then the leaf slowly starts changing colors to a light green then a olive green then yellow green to yellow to brown ect.. Once I see the color start forming in the circle I watch and wait to pluck it before it becomes a nuisance to the plant.the plant will spend less energy repairing itself fixing a few plucked leaves and re routing energy then it would sacrificing food for leaves that are past their prime....
  18. waiting until you flower before pulling branches of the bottom is the way to go..
    unless you're 100% certain that the branch won't make the top.. i wouldn't touch it.

    this is false..
    there's no reason at all to trim anything before you flip to 12/12 and the plant stretches.
  19. Dude...what are you talking about? If you clip a leaf two don't magically grow back. You are clearly thinking of topping.
  20. i never said they magically grew back. i said they take over the job of the fan leaf 2 leaves will feed the missing ones branch 

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