Just To Review: Any Vape Pen Isnt Really Vaporizing It?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by CArussell, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. I use a vaporizer for health reasons. I've been thinking of getting a vape pen but I keep reading that no pen actually vapes. True? I bought the Arizer Solo but really don't like it so I was thinking of getting a vape pen but I worry I'll need to get something like the Pax to get what I want.

  2. What didn't you like about the solo? What are you looking for out of your vape? Portable dry herb usage I'm assuming, but what as far as taste, efficiency, vapor production, battery life, learning curve, etc. As for the vape pen statement you are correct that 99% off them do not actually vaporizer. The only vape pen that I know of that effectively vaporizes herb is the t vape.
  3. I dont like how hard it is to drive from the Solo. I also don't like the high. I was so excitted for it. I think I'll likely try the Pax.
  4. Doesnt sound like you would like the pax either.
  5. I'm not comprehending. What do you mean you didn't like the high? The hits the solo produces weren't potent enough? The draw restriction? Also what do you mean about driving the solo? To reiterate what do you want out of your vape? The pax would be a good choice for someone who wants a stealthy form factor and loves to keep up on maintenance with their vape. Personally the Indica looks like a much better choice over the pax.
  6. Pax is wack lol taste like doo doo compared to my haze vaporizer.
  7. The Solo has like 7 different temperatures, did you experiment with all of them?
    Did you try different weed?

    A vape high is different from combustion high.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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