Could I Teach Bonobo Or Chimp To Tend To My Plants?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by growprodigy, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Answer

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  2. No. The neocortex of primates is too underdeveloped.
  3. based on?

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  4. based on the neocortex being too underdeveloped. 
  5. Highering a Mexican would be cheaper.
  6. Can you train my monkey to drive my whip and tote gats for me?...
  7. Call yourself a growprodigy and want to train a chimp to do the work......
  8. Probably can train them to water plants by breaking down the routine in stages for them. From filling up  a watering can form the hose to pouring water on the plant  is plausible by rewarding the right actions and not rewarding them if they do it wrong. Assuming if the routine has 10 different steps when you first start out you give them a reward on step 1 , then once that phase is complete reward it when it completes 1 and 2 consecutively, then do the same for the other steps. Will take them a long time to this , but possible.
  9. I'm talking about an upper echelon chimp in terms of intelligence(some are smarter or dumber just like us), if they have taught them to recognize symbols and communicate more than just needs then it doesn't seem so out of reach

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    if there werent outside variables such as nutrient, light, and pest control needs you probably could. you could probably train one to work on a plantation style grow if all they had to do was dig hole, plant seed, walk around and water plants daily.
  11. :confused_2: :confused_2: :confused_2:
    Was thinking the same damn thing.
  12. I watched a film about them in my anthropology class, and apparently they are always banging eachother to promote bonding. 
    I wouldn't put them in charge of anything. 
  13. Hahaha hahah this is great :)
  14. Mexican will rip you off i'd trust the primate.
  15. Having a monkey arounds a bad idea. Have you seen before and after pics of people who kept monkeys as pets? And you wanna make one do farmwork lol
  16. wtf is this guy talking about lol :smoking:
  17. I think they'd sooner eat it
  18. I'm not talking about some stupid ass monkey I'm talking about the most intelligent chimps/bonobos that have feelings, reflect on their lives, start fires, do multistep processes. It's a chore to water them if you have a lot

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