Drainage Pans Or Not For Seedlings?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by fuzzipeg, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. #1 fuzzipeg, Aug 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2014
    Hello all, I am germinating my seeds using the @[member="Stylez"] method in the archives.  They all sprouted taproots and I have just put them into their own solo cups.  (You can check out my grow in my signature for more details.)
    The method mentions its best to add drainage holes in the cup, fill with your seedling starter soil, water liberally, and then let drain.  I drained them on my patio, and for a bit on a raised surface.  I then planted the germinated seeds into little holes and covered with loose soil.
    Plastic baggies went over the tops of the cups, and they were placed in a dark warm place (my shed) for the taproots to continue growing until they sprout their seed leaves.
    I know that during this stage I should never water them.
    My question, which I can't seem to find the details of anywhere, is whether I should keep them in a drip pan?  Should I fill this with a little water?  Could I theoretically have too much drainage and dry out my plants?  Will the soil retain enough water on its own given the plastic baggies will prevent evaporation?
    Thanks to all who reply!

  2. IDK about whether you need one but I use a self watering tray for my seedlings and I have great success so I don't think it can hurt as long as you don't water them. It is ok to mist the top of the soil BTW.

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