
Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by rastafari_mon, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. I wanted to start a discussion about people's opinions on believing in aliens or not. I personally do because our universe is so infinite there HAS to be other life forms similar to ourselves. Maybe there is an identical world out there!!

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  2. I don't think there's any question... the vastness and diversity of our very own planet coupled with the stars we see should tell you right there that, we're not alone. That being said, it's not conclusive...
  3. I believe in aliens, I don't know if I believe in smart aliens. Probably just organisms floating around

  4. They haven't been discovered but for all we know the universe is infinite

    You'd be naive to assume aliens can't exist.

    In fact I'm pretty sure this is a religious issue like evolution.

    Chances are if you don't believe in aliens you also don't believe in evolution statistically speaking

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  5. Didn't nasa say that they thinks it's possible they will have telescopes within two years that will let them find life on other planets ?

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. They can use spectroscopy to see if biological molecules exist but I think that's the extent

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  7. Just like the god question, until i see some proof im not gunna jump on the wagon!
  8. I think they also look for signs of life like on Earth, with pollution and such. If an alien were looking at the spectrum of Earth's atmosphere, there's a good chance they'd see a specific spectrum due to atmospheric conditions that aren't natural. I forget where I read that though, and there's also the problem of knowing if its actually natural or not.

    Mobile mumbling..
  9. Ill admit it. I'm one of those "crazy" people. You know? Those people who see shit but no one believes them? Yep! That's me :)
    Anyways long story short, hotboxing with 3 of my friends in my car. We were chilling off of a dirt road in the woods a mile deep from main roads and after getting high me and another friend saw this plasma looking shit that came outa nowhere and then it coasted forward for a few seconds and then increased in speed and then vanished away.
  10. I do believe in other life forms,but i alsp believe in parallel universes where what you are here you aren't there
  11. logically speaking, its more likely a strange event that wasn't aliens, or even a hahallucinations

    Its possible.that its real but don't is.

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  12. I think intelligent life forums exist, but probably not very common and very very far apart. I think primitive life forms are more abundant.

    Also I've theorized there could be different forms of life that we don't comprehend, like non organic life, or non particle life haha. Yeah wax is a crazy thing.
  13. Just not here obviously. LOL. I kid.

    But seriously the word you are looking for is "form"


    Intelligent life is rare on earth. Human biomass is a small fraction of a percent of earths total biomass.

    More complicated life will always be more rare because it exists off simple life.

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  14. #16 PeterParker, Aug 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2014
    It makes me curious, and it's curious why sci-fi hasn't written of it, but I find it plausible that there could be a "sun" that has two planets with intelligent life and how the "politicking" there would be.
    which has me wondering if a "supreme" set of genetics always ends up "ruling" said planet. Perhaps an interesting analogy to "Gods".
    I suppose that is the "real" question, not whether life exists beyond Earth, but if "Intelligent Life" like ours or higher exists. Surely no one doubts just how remarkable we are even in the context of how remarkable life on Earth is, Humans are vastly superior...Rocket Ships 'n down the line is a stick that collects bugs...yea human genetics "Owns" all other genetic code. 
    Is that always true, or at least most likely, on other "Goldilocks" planets?
    All that said, I do believe most people strongly discount the "power" environment has on "guiding" genetics, it rules it. Life evolves with the planet.
    A "sad" realization I came to is the vast distances between stars - galaxies & the speed limit of c makes intergalactic travel pointless. while c (speed of light) is fast for emailing around the world it's just plain too fucking slowing for "intergalactic" distances :(    This seems to be the geometry of of our universe, which effectively puts us right where we see us.... "On a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam." In other words no visiting aliens,
  15. I hear you what you mean. A part feels it's real and then another part kinda just accepts and knows it was an hallucination from weed or something. What's weird is me and another person saw it.
  16. What if there is life on another planet but its 180 degrees to us behind the sun every time we are. And all this time it rotates with us yet we've never seen it.

    You'd lose your mind trying to understand mine.
  17. ima tell you the same shit i told my mom when she was watching 'cowboys and aliens'.
    mom: you think aliens are real?
    me: yeah, they built the pyramids, the nazca lines and then they left.
    it is entirely possible that stonehenge was the work of water/the ice age
  18. It'd vd stupid to think that there's no other life in the universe.

    Even the bible states that earth js the only place for HUMAN life

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