Who Monitors Your Elecricity Use?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by CannabisCrush, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Ok so I'm a new grower. I have the grow tent ready, the fans w/ filter, nutes, pots, dirt, am just waiting on some clones and particular seed strains that I want to grow. Hoping to start next month. Only problem is that I live with a disabled family member who gets assistance from HUD and DSHS housing (section 8 I believe). I am disabled as well, diagnosed but not accepted by the government. Meds help me tremendously but they say we are not allowed to smoke or grow weed in our condo because we are on section 8. I'm fine with that except that we can't afford meds at this time and I'd like to make a little cash. So I'm thinking about growing 6-10 plants on the low low. I have a 1,000 watt light ready to go. My only concern at this point is not the smell or anything but the electricity rise. Does anyone know if they monitor the electricity in our houses? Section 8 is federal I believe so it could be really bad if I got caught.

  2. Grow enough do you can move out maybe.. or run the risk. Still... its not going to do anything a new computer wouldnt. Or a new appliance..
  3. idk, because youre going to have that thing on for tons of hours a day.
    fridges come on and off, same with mostly every other appliance.
    they might have some questions about why your eletric is 100+$ more expenisve than usual.
  4. First, replace all your light bulbs with cfl's. Next cut your usage of other eletronics down. That will help with the overall bill. But expect at least a 100$ increase from what your used to.
    Best advice, wait to start at the beginning of summer or winter. Probly summer for you since you said condo.
    I say winter also because people in my area start using space heaters. When i didn't grow, 2 electric space heaters, usually only on at night, gave me around a 200$ electric bill.

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