How Often Does A Lab Check For Synthetic Urine?

Discussion in 'General' started by emartinez7, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Just wondering. Thanks!
  2. I'd imagine that if they check, they check in every instance. As in, if they are good scientists/lab technicians they should be following a routine process.
    That said, I don't live in a place where people are routinely required to provide urine samples.
  3. I doubt they check, not that many people use fake pee for it to matter
  4. Typically, labs don't randomly test samples for uric acid (which is the main issue with synthetic urine). Unless, you live in California, Ohio, West Virginia, Oregon, or Washington, then uric acid is often part of the standard testing for all samples in labs.
    So, the big question is the state you live in.
    But, there is synthetic urine available with uric acid to add or premixed. Some forms of QuickFix (6.0 and 5.7 I believe) and Serious Monkey Business being a few of them.

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