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Missing A Finger Medical Marijuana Card?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by avs140, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, i just joined the forum but have been looking at the forum for quite some time now and really glad i joined.
    anyways ill cut to the chase.  I currently live in Montana, where medical marijuana is legal. :smoke: anyways I was thinking about a medical marijuana card.  Im 18 and sort of in pain, not to bad, but i'm missing a pinkie on my left hand, splitting wood accident haha.  anyways wondering if you guys would think i could make a valid case to get a card.  i've always thought not, but my friends tell me i might be able to pull it off.  anyways let me know what your thought about it was! 

  2. First off nobody here will give you advice on how to "obtain" a card if you don't need one. But if you had documented nerve pain in that pinkie that made you hand have issues then possibly but all depends on how lien ant the law is for your state and if it states "chronic pain"
  3. I mean i dont have any documented pain just because i have never felt i needed to go into the doctors.  that might be my answer right there.  but just wanted to see others opinions.
  4.'re cool with just losing a finger? I want to ask to see...but I'm afraid what it might look like..
  5. its my left pinkie not the biggest deal in the world! no one ever notices unless i show them! it happened awhile back anyways
  6. in a place without a fairly lax medical system like cali youre going to need a credible reason. pain from missing a finger seems like it could get you one, but you probably have to jump through the hoops of getting it documented first and possibly going through a few different options first.
    if youre reeeeeallly determined, realize they cant actually judge your pain based on anything but your own word. you can eventually get any sort of pain med including weed you want.....if youre willing to play the game
  7. I live in Montana too, do some research about our medical marijuana laws dude. Honestly before you start researching though, I'll just tell you right now you're not getting a card.

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  8. I've been thinking about relocating to get a med card. Currently live in the Dakotas, Montana would be cool. You got yourself a card?
  9. You've never seen anyone with a missing appendage?  Just looks like a nub.
  10. No I don't have a card, it's damn near impossible to get one now. After 2011 they changed our laws, closed down all dispensaries, and raided I believe 90% of registered growers.
    But the good news is, the bud here is fucking phenomenal and cheap. Depending who you know of course. Also NW Montana is one of the most beautiful places in the U.S. eastern Montana Is even more boring than the Dakotas unfortunately

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  11. Yo the Dakotas aren't boring man. Idk maybe North Dakota is but South Dakota has some real beautiful landscape. haha anyways, sucks to hear about that man. I thought they were putting up a good fight in Montana as for as the medical marijuana movement goes.. I wonder if I could get one there if I actually have a legitimate chronic illness...?
  12. yeah North Dakota is pretty shitty, SD is nicer. The black hills are super badass, I went there as a kid every summer and would go off adventuring all day. I found small caves, and these sweet cliff faces with huge rock faces/heads carved into them. But I live in NW Montana and regularly visit Glacier Nat. Park which is my idea of beauty.
    Back to the medical topic though, if you have a serious illness you could get a card, but finding a caregiver is quite tough. Like I said we have 0 dispensaries and we have the stupid Compassion Law. Which states that in order to get medical marijuana legally it has to be given to you for free without any sort of compensation

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  13. I seriously doubt youd get a card. Smart people go to the doctors to document illness before requesting relief from said illness. Without documentation, youre probably lying, from their point of view. You wouldnt be the first.
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  14. Gotta be missing at least a hand to get a med card, trust me i know laws and stuff. 
  15. oh ic. So in order to get medical you either have to grow it yourself or find a caregiver. Do you see any progress being made in the next 5-10 years?
  16. I was under the assumption that it was a recent injury. But I guess not :p
  17. I live in SW Montana and there are tons of dispensaries.  so thats not the thing that concerns me.  
  18. oh yeah I guarantee it'll be legal in 2016. It was on the ballot for this year but they receded because they didn't have enough funds this year to get it well known and advertised (very few people vote in this particular election considering it's in 2014 which is not a presidential election year, not to mention the fact that there's less than a million people in the entire state so we have a terrible voter turnout even in the presidential election). So they didn't want to waste all the backers money just to get another no vote, it was on the 2012 ballot but the wording of the question on the ballot was confusing and basically was a double negative, causing people to vote yes on accident. And In the end legalizing lost like 46 to 54, it was kind of a scandal among the pro marijuana groups. you can look all this info up I'm just going off memory here. It is however on the 2016 ballot for sure and we're going to win this time.

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  19. Scandal was probably the wrong word choice. What I meant was pro marijuana groups like Montana's NORML were pissed off over how the question was worded on the ballot. And even went so far as to offer "instructions" on how to correctly vote for legalization. You actually had to vote no on the ballot if you were FOR legalizing. So at a quick glance people saw the 'legalize marijuana' and instinctively checked yes

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  20. and by the time they legalize it in 2016 ill be 21....about. that'll be a great day for Montana.

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