If Were Cosmic Dust Then...

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by littleviolet, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. If we were cosmic dust, and now we're beings, and when we die we'll be dust again. If they shot my ashes into space and somehow billions of years later they traveled into a black hole or some other space oddity that warps time, what would happen to my ashes? Would I be alive again if space sent my ashes back in time? Would I be something else?

    Super high thought I had a while ago, so I doubt there's any real answer to it, I just wanted to put it out there..
  2. Haha.. I'm gunna go with no
  3. Seeing as consciousness or the mind, as a substance, that is to say, your soul, is not generated by the association of corporeal matter but only corresponds to the appearance of it, I'm gonna go with no.
  4. You are the shape that matter takes, not the matter that takes shape.
  5. if your ashes somehow got transported to another time, they would still be just ashes, in another time. they would be independent, to an extent, of the world around them. so no, you wouldnt be alive, unless they were miraculously transported to the very brief time you were alive (now).
  6. #6 Boats And Hoes, Aug 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2014
    Well, seeing that, according to you, the shape is formed by matter, then the shape that matter takes is not different than the matter that has taken shape.
    So, you see, she is asking that if the shape of the matter that constitutes her being, were to be re-arranged, in some distant future, in the manner it is arranged now, would that re-arrangment of her present shape - be her?
  7. You'd still be ashes.  Well traveled ashes.
    That's what the whole theory of teleportation is based on. If we completely replicated a body, it would be the same person.

    Isn't everyone?
  9. No...
    You're ashes passing within a black hole's event horizon, will be "stretched like spaghetti" by the gravitational gradient..
    Also when you burn a body, all that's left is carbon. All the other atoms like hydrogen, calcium, iron, nitrogen and more will have been converted to energy.

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