Pure C02 Cbd Oil Needed

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by ChaseMavrick, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Hello everyone , i was looking around the net and was overwhelmed with all the websites offering CBD oil , Some where $400 for 2grams in a Syringe some where cheaper , i know its legal in all 50 states i need it to be able to put it in an ecig . can anyone direct me to a site where i can buy this oil unflavored and not containing anything but cbd , many of the ones i ran into had rosemary and other things i don't want 

  2. #2 Jimmy Carter, Aug 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2014
    stay awayyyyyyy far far awayyyyyyy!!!
    That shit CBD 'hemp' oil is garbage, I would never smoke that shit. eat it, maybe. but never smoke that shit
  3. Would that even get you high...?
  4. no, CBD doesnt get you 'high'
  5. I thought that was just the name to get around the law or something. Why would you even buy that shit? At 4 bills for 2 grams bahahahaa
  6. I need it for a friend who needs it , its for medical and not to get high , any info would be great 
  7. find a producer who can supply it to you, dont get raped by scam artists. there is people who can help you
  8. Problem is i live in nyc , and don't know any one here , i know its legal so that why i asked if anyone had a website 

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