Smoking Oil No Rig *improved Technique

Discussion in 'General' started by kidHash, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Hey guys,
    I recently began smoking oil as a way to save money. I find that it saves money because of my smoking habits/schedule. The problem I ran into is my lack of a rig. I have a vapepen but it is cheap and just gives me a good work buzz. I looked at everything I could find regarding oil consumption without a rig and all of the techniques seemed like a pain in the ass or inefficient. So I figured someone might be interested in my simple method that ensures you catch all the smoke just like smoking a bowl. To do this it is important to have a pipe/chillum. The chillum is my preference (you will see why). The other tools needed are a torch/stove (I prefer torch), a paperclip, and a butterknife. 
    1. Straighten paperclip
    2. Wrap paperclip around the pipe/chillum ensuring that the end forms a hook over the bowl
    3. Place wax on hook
    4. Heat tip of butterknife until cherry red
    5. Press knife to oil as you take the hit
    I prefer the chillum for this because you can point it towards the ground as you use the knife to press the wax. This keeps it from running before it fully vaporizes. If using a pipe you risk the oil melting into the bowl before it vaporizes. Using a paperclip and actual piece you ensure that you can pull all of the smoke just like a regular hit of flower. This is more efficient than the double hotknife method with a bottle. Less space for error means less wasted product and more actually consumed in one hit. 

  2. #2 TimothyTheFirst, Aug 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2014
    before my friend had a rig this is what we did:
    take a plastic half gallon liquor bottle (you could use a 5th or a pint if that's all you have, but a half gal is easier)
    cut it in half.  set that part on the counter.
    take one butter knife, put it on the stove top burner until the knife gets red hot.  (obviously you only want the end of the knife to get hot, not the handle.  don't burn yourself.)
    put wax on another, normal knife.  set that on the counter so the part with the wax is inside the bottle.
    slide the red hot knife under and press it against the wax so it burns (or whatever).
    inhale through the top of the bottle.
    you might have to cut the bottle at a slight angle just so you can fit the knives through, but it's not hard to figure out.
  3. #3 Royal Vengeance, Aug 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2014
    Sometimes I have to heat my nail on the oven top

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