I Believe People Who Believe In God/religion Are Crazy

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by UpliftDrummer, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Way to make accusations about every single religious person in the world. What if I think God was the big bang? Am I still crazy?

    You speak delusions.  I found god within and the knowledge required to bring world peace and ascend humanity into the next dimension through singularity.
    If you truly believe that I care more about some negative manifestation of energy, greed, more than an infinitely powerful true form of energy, love, then you may be speaking from your own perception's view.
    Greed is an illusion.  All negativity is, even up to the colors and space you see.  Greed gives you depression, disease, self hatred and ego.  Give me one reason I would relinquish the peace of my soul for a finite grasp of a material object.
    Regarding the loan, I was scammed for $500 of goods, by two different people.  Either one of those orders would have made me more than enough to fulfill the loan with squall.  A scammer has intentions of scamming people.  If a man who was scammed by two others and physically unable to make a payment is a scammer, then you are completely overlooking the true pattern of who did what and grossly misplacing your judgement and hatred onto someone that is easy to hate, easy to misunderstand and easy to judge.
    A scammer does not pay back 1/4th of a loan and stick around on the same forum for a year and start making payments on the loan.  A scammer does not post their name and address publicly on the forum he is active on.  A scammer takes your money and leaves without a trace.
    The fact that you bring it up here in response to a philosophical comment shows complete ignorance and diversion from the truth of the statement put forth.
    You'd rather make delusional statements to defend your ego than bend your worldview to a higher spectrum of understanding.
  3. In regards to the thread, crazy is not an objective 'thing'.  Crazy is a word for one's lack of understanding of something.
  4. Well, that whole argument you (or Sagan) laid out immediately boxes the notion of God into the idea that He's an invisible man in the sky, saying that if God can't be verified through empirical evidence then He simply can't exist (or that there is no sensible reason to believe He exists). It completely ignores the philosophical arguments, such as those of ontology, metaphysics and epistemology, with all the arrogance of a shoulder-shrug.
    If you really think that some childish analogy about your invisible dragon can actually proves anything, then I'm seriously questioning you reasoning abilities. The very fact that you know nobody ever would find this idea of an invisible dragon (or the Flying Spaghetti Monster) believable or rationally satisfying is proof enough that something dreadfully important missing from your analogy.
  5. #45 White Indian, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    I didn't say dismissing the superstitious ( as in anything hard to believe) was ignorant; I said offhandedly casting aside something as philosophically important and heavy as God's existence is ignorant.
  6. #46 -13 Amp-, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    everything you say and do is a damn delusion kid...you take crazy amounts of acid then tell people you can save their souls if they give you more money for acid...you're a junkie and a scam artist...

    and YOU are the one running around defending your ego, you say you're jesus, and have magic powers that you cannot demonstrate, you're ponzi scheme collapsed on you, thats why you're still in debt and refuse to pay it back....you are a scam artist until all your debts are 100% paid in full...
    and reminding everyone that you're a scam artist will help people NOT get scammed on this board...(in the deleted thread you asked me personally for 50-60 bucks for mexican weed so you could "levitate" but that if i seen it it would kill me....yeah...)
  7. #47 DobermanGuy, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    Its not up to me to prove that god exists and i find any notion of one silly and nothing more than wishful thinking. You can question my reasoning all you want im not the one arguing for things that cant be proven.

    That "little" analogy is pivotal.
  8. #48 DobermanGuy, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    Youre redefining what most people believe as god. Why not just call it the Big Bang and not God? God is a Being. If you're not talking about a/the magical creator then don't call it god. (so, yes, you're crazy).

    I don't understand God is love or anything as ridiculously ambiguous. that makes no sense to me. Love is love, etc
  9. I take it you've never heard of Pantheism.
  10. #50 DobermanGuy, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    Ive heard. Its as ridiculous imo. As i said earlier there is no proof and no reason to insert this meaningless word (god) into everything/anything that ACTUALLY exists.  Refer to the title of this thread.
    So, you think you know the definition of god enough to dismiss it? It isn't so simple. There are many theories and philosophies behind it all. You are playing a child's game in a word of adult ideas. So you don't believe the Universe exists? I mean, you've never seen it with your two eyes, so how do you know all of those galaxies and possibly universes are out there? You've only laid your eyes on what is on this earth.
  12. I never said it was up to you to prove anything; you're the one who challenged me. And that's fine if you don't believe in God. It's pretty obvious you don't know much about it, as you're simply wrestling with an idea of God that has never been advanced by any major religion, theologian or philosopher; but hey, that would just mean more reading and learning and you strike me as a man who's already set in his ways, so why bother, eh? Much easier to just laugh at everyone and go, "Oh, well prove my invisible dragon isn't real," not really giving a shit that you're whitewashing over thousands of years of human thought, committing numerous philosophical errors and just looking like a plain dick. No bother, though: enjoy you self-satisfaction, my man.

    I doubt he's heard anything besides his own voice.
  13. #53 DobermanGuy, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    Condescending fuck. Have a nice life, my lady.
  14. #54 DobermanGuy, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    I know the definitions that have been given to me as i try to understand what everyone is referring to when they say "GOD".
    On this earth ive never seen a god or any other thing id call a god why would i want to try to stretch and try to connect dots just to appease a mindset i think is ridiculous?
  15. #55 DobermanGuy, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    The problem is there has been centuries of this garbled religious epistemology. If it includes a higher power i have no reason to believe any of it. Why do you?
  16. A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.
  17. #57 White Indian, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    Um, I don't know: maybe it's because you're on the religious section of a forum discussing the topic of God?
  18. Both of you need to STFU, you both are making yourselves look ignorant, close minded and childish.
  19. OH! thanks for pointing that out. I retract everything i said. Looney!
  20. #60 DobermanGuy, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    It is none of those things to question superstitions and nonsense. I hope yow were referring to the 2 "philosophers".

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