Astrology Thread

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by finn slice, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. I was at a festival the other day and I met someone and he asked my birthday in order to figure out my sun sign which is scorpio. I knew that but I didn't know what it meant until I looked it up today and I honestly can say I truely believe in all that stuff now. I knew what it was but I never really was interested in it until today. Anyone else like zodiac signs or just astrology in general.

  2. You won't get shit out of a sun sign. Especially not from western astrology.
  3. As a funny man on a TV show once said, 
    "it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun's apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality." - Sheldon Cooper
    Funny as it may have been, it is true.
  4. You call that a funny man?
  5. I enjoy entertaining the ideas linked to astrology. I don't take it as doctrine, and I don't live my life by it, but I consider it as viable as any other faith-based religion. :confused_2:
  6. I say it's crap. I'm a Leo and I'm the meekest motherfucker around.
  7. I used to be really interested in astrology but then I dropped it after I found that there has never been any evidence backing it. Numerology is pretty interesting too but who knows maybe it's all kind of a placebo


    Sagittarius sun
    Taurus rising
    Virgo moon
    Scorpio mercury
    Scorpio Venus
    Leo Mars
    Scorpio Jupiter
    Pisces Saturn
    Capricorn Uranus and Neptune
    Scorpio Pluto

    Can't remember my houses but if you're into astrology you should look up your full birth chart. You just need to know the exact time and place you were born
  8. I really just started learning about this stuff so sorry but IDK the difference between west and east astrology and I know theres like 12 different things that go in to your birth chart but it is my understanding that the sun/zodiac sign is the most relevant.
  9. I forgot to mention I don't really believe in the horoscopes that like newpapers and the internet put out there but I do believe that your personality/being is determined atleast somewhat by astology. Like the forementioned person in the thread really knew his stuff and taught me a few things but what literally threw me for a loop is when he said in reguard to my sign. He said "I actually like scorpios they're pretty cool. You guys are really just misunderstood." And when he said all I could do is smile and just be like damn.
  10. Think about this. If a wheel is turning and you stop it, it'll have a specific collection of dirst beneath it. It will carry on a remnant of that dirt and that dirt will evwr so slightly effect the passage of the wheel. This is what astrology is about. There's other ideas though.
  11. 3 of the smartest men of their time Artistotle Galileo and Sir Issac Newton
    Aristotle believed the earth was the center of the universe and everyone believed him because he was so smart until Galieo disproved this. But Galileo thought that comets were an optical illusian and there is no way the moon can cause the ocean tides. But he was also wrong. Then came Sir Issac Newton who blew everyones minds with his incredible inteligence. One of his beliefs though was that he could turn metal into gold and his cause of death was mercury poisoning. So science is wrong sometimes and you can't believe everything you hear and find some information on your own because I think thats really the only info you can trust 100%
  12. Yeah thats why I believe everyone is completely different but some people are more similar than others (If they have the same sign or element even) and some just get along better because of this. Some people are just the way they are and even people who don't believe in astology frequently say "people don't change"
  13. Life is meant to exert a certain "energy" at all times in specific places. It's the nature of our reality. Can it be predicted? Maybe. The I ching is about it. From the mayans to the indians to the persians, to the greeks and perhaps many other cultures, somehow saw patterns in time that correlated to the movement of celestial bodies. There's certain aspects of the world that are so subtle that they effect things on a huge scale yet are subtle. Like all directions have an energy, all colours, all shapes and sizes. We can't deny that evwry single thing that exists at one time, exists at one time, this means that things will exist at a future time in a particular way because of how they exist now, this is how causation works. We see a linwar reality because of this.

    Science is about making accurate predictions about events according to past observations, who is not to say that astrology is not an ancient science? The Mesopotamians apparently depicted 9 planets. Jupitet is the last observable planet with the bare eyes. The mayans made intricate calenders that correspond with those in the old world. Yet are intricate and distinct in their own way.

    A very wise sage, one who is enlightened, can see the nature of change. One could see it and how it corresponds with a discernable and relatable change in the cosmos, which was observable by all at all times. Who ia not to say that this is what happens.

    Just random hypothesis. I have personal experience with astrology and palm readimg that completely changed my views. I never used to believe in the stuff even one bit. Yet I had an experience that shook me to the core in India and I researched in depth for a while to understand it. Still not sure I came to a conclusion, but I'm not going to express it all here anyways.
  14. #14 lazytoker, Aug 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
    sorry.... for the record, I have and still do study and pay attention to the subject :bongin: :smoking:
  15. Occult knowledge. Study
  16. #17 MrVoorhees, Aug 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2014
    I've been studying astrology for the past five years.
    Every time I see an astrology thread come up on topic here in GC I get excited but it never takes more then a few posts down before the same insults and jokes are rehashed over and over again. It would be simpler if we could make an anti astrology thread and all the trolls could post their rhetoric there - while we keep an appreciation and support thread on topic for those who have legitimate astrological concerns, questions and a desire to learn.[​IMG][​IMG]
  17. I personally do vedic astrology. What is the state of the planets in the western scope right now?
  18. To your understanding is there anything all that special about Libras aside from having a non human/animal (lack of a better word lol) sign? Or is your understanding of astrology far beyond the "significance" of the time of birth?
  19.  LOL. I'm just trying to understand astrology and I'm very much at the beginner stage of my learning. This is one of the most, if not the most, complicated subject I have ever studied.
    Libra's as a whole have an excellent reputation for being peaceful, pleasant, being mediators when everyone else is full of discord. Common traits for Libra would be harmony and understanding. Those are just sun sign interpretations so they have only slight merit as the rest of your chart could tell you so much more; people are complicated and multifaceted and one thing astrology has taught me is tolerance for all of the different personality 'types' that are out there.
    Hi Pickledpie. that is a good question. I dont usually look at the chart for the day or pay attention to major transits in the sky. I probably should but ,heck, I dont even do my homework a lot of the time. I think the daily chart should be read against the individual chart to note the worthy aspects but since you asked lets look at the outer planets for the day. The chart I posted above for Fairbanks is the snapshot for the sky last night where I live.
    So this is the chart of the outer planets for today. I'm choosing just the outer planets because they move so much more slowly and have an impact on us as a society. What do I see? Really nothing to note as I'm looking for the big aspects or vibrations that seem to leave the most effect.
    Here is the same chart with all the planets included and as you can see it is a lot busier with a lot more aspects taking place:
    Most interesting to me is Uranus midpoint Saturn/Mars. We could be seeing a quick upheaval (Uranus) of the current structure (Saturn) and people taking action or even waging war (Mars). That is a quick interpretation but again - we could say that for anytime in history as it is such a blanket statement. Mars and Saturn being in the first house though this would be a personal upheaval or change more then a societal. So maybe disruption, insight or flashes of inspiration (Uranus) about structures that are important to you (Saturn) forcing you to take action. (Mars)
    Anyone else is welcome to add their 2 cents :)

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