How Long Do You Veg Scrog?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by zachazoom27, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. I am setting up a meter squared scrog with cfls for veg. I have 2 plants. Both are large yield era from bomb seeds. How long should I veg and how full should I get the scrog before flower?
  2. veg till the net is full if you made it use the space given it will get you the most yeild if you wait till its full to just give the plants like an inch breather room between themselfs
  3. and no one can tell you how long to veg for bro that depends on many many factors
    there entire atmosphere has a factor to play 
    id say just go till the nets full let them poke through a bit and boom 12/12 her 
  4. I heard vegging till the scrog is 80% full, the other 20% will account for space when the plant grows during flower.
  5. i have hear this and full it up. Does anyone have experience with scrogs clarify what has worked for them!
    thanks for the help!
  6. Alright dude so Im on my first grow which is also a scrog, and everything is going smoothly. What I was told was that if you have no height restrictions you should veg until your screen is completely filled up, and once you switch to flowering let the girls stretch up through screen. This results in a ton of 12 inch colas instead of a good amount of 6 inch colas theoretically. I see the results, and I can tell you the majority of my colas are way over 12 inches.
  7. Great info!! Thanks for the advice.  Do you have pictures?
    This is true, but just to add something extra... The more growing shoots you have the less they will stretch up. My last ScrOG had 115 proper colas, and about 50 or so smaller ones. The canopy stretched up about 10-12" 
    I have less shoots on my current one so I'm expecting a little more height. This is mine now, I have recently switched to 12/12 

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