Anyone Want To Talk About Life????

Discussion in 'General' started by GottaStayHigh, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Life. It's amazing.
    I'm in the mood to talk to someone. Anyone. If anyone wants to message me or we can just talk on this thread and have an open discussion just about everything. Your beliefs, your stories, advice, life lessons, the things that make you who you are, all the stuff you've been through..... Anything. I just love hearing about things like this.

    so please message me if you're down to talk privately

    Otherwise, i'll just say this:
    I think life is taken for granted too much. People always talk about taking good health for granted, or money or school for granted, but what about life?

    Think about the possibility of an afterlife. Your spirit in some heavenly place, living day by day up there.
    Then think about the possibility of no afterlife. After death, you are just gone, nothing will ever be of you again.
    Then think of the certainty of this life. You can do anything as you wish, nobody can stop you.
    Don't waste your life questioning the afterlife.
  2. I prefer unlife.
    As in avoiding life to prevent the corruption of a good soul.
    Think about how as we grow up we lose our innocence and become horrible people, some of us.
    That's not what I like, society breeds us to be divergent .
    Your life is meaning less in the grand scheme, you don't affect reality because it is non existent.
    Merely relative of our imagination to find a reason to think, but actually exposing us to the opposition of what we are looking for.
    Quite horrible in my book. 
  3. I love life. Just currently am dissatisfied with mine. Got a looong road ahead. Wasted a lot of time. Finally woke up.
  4. Life is sad horrible and only ends in death.
    My favorite color is black like my soul

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum..grabba dabba goo
  5. You should go to the mind over matter section for these types of discussions. People talk about this all the time there.

    "I'm to drunk, to taste this chicken" -Talladega nights
  6. Don't do that. You'll be in a hell of aggravation, and will be constantly stressed out. It's not even worth the discussion. You can't discuss Ideology cause it doesn't exist, everyone's opinion is never there own. It's of some philosopher who thought of it. And it's not either true nor false. So nobody's right or wrong. So they're literally fighting over 'Nothing'.
  7. Life is amazing we all take everything for granted. In a wierd way I kinda can't wait to see what death feels like taking that last breath dying and then if we are lucky we awake as a soul reborn

    When Adam was cast out of the garden he asked God why he no longer could see the wonders in the sky and all the angels and how he had to drink and eat to survive his perception on the spiritual plane where severed and I can only imagine the life after this will be unimaginable haha

    ¡satan has tricked the world into thinking he does not exist!
  8. #8 WhyzGuy777, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2014
    What if there is an afterlife? What if it exists in the dream world? Dreams are neither confined to time or space. Dream pain is real. Dream pleasure is real. After all, pain and pleasure only exist in our minds. And science tells us our mind/consciousness doesn't exist in our brains. But we do have consciousness. What gave us consciousness? What attached it to these vessels? And what if this life is a test for what our consciousness will become after it departs from the material vessel?

    This is what I've been thinking about lately.
  9. I have a love/hate thing for life. I love that I get to experience life as some don't even get born or some die as a child, so I'm grateful that I live in a good place and not in a different country like africa or the middle east where I would have to experience fear everyday from guns. I just hate how I have nothing going on in my life as of right now, I lost all my friends and only really talk to 2 of my old high school friends like once a month and all day I just go to work and come home. I'm taking a t-break right now so I can't even smoke anymore so I hate that everyday it's the same thing over and over again. It feels like my life is a broken record and just repeating itself, but I'm trying to better my life right now (that's why the t-break) and now I'm just waiting to see where it takes me. I have to admit though that after years of smoking everyday, the t-break is a relief and I feel really better even though it's only been a little over a week. It also makes it more exciting the next time I'm going to smoke cause I'm going to be really high on little weed  :smoke:
  10. Slow down and relax interact with the people around everyday and you will see that talking to different people will brighten your day up we are a social species and when we interact with people we get happy good things are coming your way just keep your faith up, a negative view attracts negative forces and negative people

    ¡satan has tricked the world into thinking he does not exist!
    I'm trying to break out of my shyness and social anxiety but really there's no one around me that I can really talk to. The people at my work are way older than me ( retirement place) and I do talk to them but I can't go out and hang out with any of them. That's what kinda sucks about my work is that I am surrounded by old people and some of them are grumpy as hell but most of them are nice. I don't drink so going out to bars/clubs is out of the question so I don't really know where I can go to meet people. I'm trying to find some hobbies that I will enjoy and see if I can meet some people that way. 
  12. Try going to church. I knew a lot of people who went to church and burned on the regular

    ¡satan has tricked the world into thinking he does not exist!
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if he saw all the retired people there.
  14. They probably smoKe 2

    ¡satan has tricked the world into thinking he does not exist!
    What's funny is this one older women at my place smokes. I was going to work one day and I was taking the elevator to go up, it was just me and this other person in the elevator and it reeked of weed. I saw on the persons shirt that it was a collective and they were dropping medicine off. It was some strong stuff too cause the whole elevator just reeked of weed. 
  16. Fuckin hard recently. Broke. I'm an owner but am essentially a slave.. My future is currently banking on late night high end poker games (hosting) and me getting a second job. I live outside of my means and seem to blatantly disregard what I know and continue on with my lifestyle. It's weird.. Feels like I'm aware of all the stupid mistakes I'm suppose to make as a 20 year old yet still seem to hit everyone goddam one lol

    I'm saying the same thing I've said 4 Julys in a row.. If everything goes according to plan then next year I work hard and the next year I pay out and begin my life but every damn time there's some sort of kink in the fucking system. I weirdly enough go to sleep blaming my pot/wax smoking every single night. I truly believe it's holding me back yet I wake up every morning take a dab and continue the cycle.

    First world problems for sure but I live in the first world so they're my damn problems lol
  17. Our fight is not against flesh but against spirits and principalities, morals and ethics. We are at war with ourselves everyday and this 9-5 routine has us on our knees.

    It wouldn't hurt to have God on your side

    ¡satan has tricked the world into thinking he does not exist!
  18. LMFAO Once again I get the chance to use this hahahah.
  19. I think we have a Johovah's witness in the GC. tell me about Jesus.
  20. Naw my problems are my own to bear and eventually overcome. Will only make me stronger.

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