Problem With Attaching/uploading Files

Discussion in 'Forum Tech Questions, Problems and Troubleshooting' started by FarmPutz, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Greetings GC admin and mods! First off thanks for all you do around here :)I've never had any issues with the site....but this is an odd one and I can't figure it out.I am unable to upload the selected files I choose for attachments(I've done this before and it has worked in the past and on other forums I am familiar with the same format)When posting/replying to a thread in which I want to add a pic, I go to "more reply options". Beneath the text window it normally has a few buttons to click on... one to choose file and beneath that one a button to "attach this file"...HOWEVER ;) I currently am able to choose file......... and beneath that is a bit larger text than normal, with a paperclip that says Attach Files.... there is no clickable button to upload or attach... No way to actually get my chosen file up into the reply text window like normal..... its weird. I hope I'm able to explain this in a way that makes sense. Hopefully there is a solution. THanks for everything
  2. Please make sure you are not blocking any Grasscity javascript file that is loaded from CDN

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