Newly Discovered Gut Virus Lives In Half The Worlds Population

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Mantikore, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. #1 Mantikore, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2014
    Pretty interesting stuff.. Personally I am pretty convinced there is an unknown virus of sorts going around attacking our nervous systems, adding to the increase of neurological disorders lately.
  2. I volunteer to be a patient to see if marijuana has any effect on the virus.
  3. reading about stomach viruses trips me out so bad, ive been to the hospital so many times cuz of stomach problems and they have no idea what it is. weird..
  4. A virus can be beneficial as well, though.  There are a few viruses in our mucus that help 'train' bacteria to protect us.
  5. Interesting, a gut virus that could potentially play a role in obesity....
    You should link this in that thread where everybody is hating on fat people! :)
    So they can switch the focus of hate to the virus instead of fat people? Or will this virus be used as an excuse to enable overweight people?
    "It's not my fault, I have a virus in my gut that makes me fat.. so I am just going to go eat 2 meals from McDonald's.."
  7. Everything isn't so black and white as you make it out to be
  8. Yes sure. They named it after the software.
    There was definatly no desire to have Ass in the name with a captial A:wub:

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  9. Viruses also can target specific bacteria.

    I wonder why they don't use viruses as an antibacterial?

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  10. You have a lot to learn about the world, respect and common decency.
  11. Pretty sure this is a fake article, it's written like shit. Middle school papers have better sentence structure and word flow.
  12. Oh double arrogance. Snap!

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    "This could be a key to personalized phage medicine," he said. "In individuals, we could isolate your particular strain of the virus, manipulate it to target harmful bacteria, then give it back to you."
  14. Sarcasm doesn't seem to transfer properly through the internet.. Do you really believe that I believe all overweight people are like that? Or that this supposed virus is the cause to all obesity? Or that if you get this virus you'll instantly become fat? As far as enabling, that's pretty true to the world. Maybe its not me that has a lot to learn about the world, cause you should know that people will look for any reason to excuse their shortcomings. This is but one piece of a very large puzzle, and I personally don't discriminate in terms of what pieces I poke fun at..

    Pretty sure it isn't.. no offense, but its obvious you've taken offense to it all and letting it cloud your judgement.
  15. Cool but not sure why they are possibly linking it to obesity.  They said they know nothing about it, strange.  :confused_2:
  16. No, I haven't taken offense it to at all. I'm just simply stating it's a horribly written article. Doesn't look professional at all. I have a hard time believing something of this nature when it looked like it was written by 14 year olds.

    Yes, you're right, people do look for any excuse to ignore their shortcomings, article or not, some people will still dance around issues.

    All I'm saying is if you have to say you're not discriminating or joking with a whole group of people, it usually means you're trying to tell yourself you don't discriminate.
  17. Yeah, it was kind of a jump.. but they suspect a link cause its a virus that preys on bacteria in our gut, not cells produced by our body. We know that if you mess with gut bacteria, it can have a wide range of impacts. If the virus gets in early while genes are still developing, whatever effects it has could make a lasting impact.. just need to figure out what the impact is and what other conditions it relies on. For some, it could even speed up their metabolism.. but we do know that you want a healthy gut microbial environment.
  18. I never said I don't discriminate.. anyone who says they never do is more than likely full of poop. But, I do discriminate equally :) and that includes making fun of myself when the situation arises.. which isn't uncommon.
  19. Yes but the problem is we don't really even know what that consists of.  There are so many different species of bacteria/virus/yeast in our gut, at extremely different ratios.  Some are considered beneficial, others pathogenic, some are both depending on how many there are.  It just bothers me to try and speculate when in reality they have no clue what effect this virus has on our system.  
    Speculation leads to people believing this..

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