Can Anyone Relate To The Way I Feel About Spirituality?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by OwnyJony, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. I like to believe that I inherited one hundred percent of my father's psychological genetics, thus making me artistic and hard working. I have been through a lot in my short lifetime. I have had the opportunity to experience amazing things. I have also had the privilege…yes; privilege to experience life on life's terms, meaning I have had the opportunity to explore negative emotions, giving me the ability to make decisions based on truth rather than feeling. I have had many near death experiences that have made me extremely grateful for life itself. I have been down and out, broken, lost and addicted, but I have yet to be alone. I recognize my soul and my spirit as two different entities that have taken residence in my body, granting me wisdom and guidance throughout life. I tend to make mistakes when my soul, mind and spirit are out of sync. I feel as though my personal trinity consists of my mind, spirit, and soul. Without consistent conditioning and awareness of the trinity, I lack functionality and rational thought patterns. I am limitless, and omnipotent within the restrictions of the trinity, meaning I can accomplish all things in accordance to the triumvirate. My spirit and my mind have worked hard to provide an adequate abode for my soul, therefore providing the opportunity for my body to carry on the role as an achiever.

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  2. #2 LuxSpiritus, Jul 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2014
    I see your views in a similar but different way. I think the spirit is the aura projected by the soul, as in the exposure of how the soul thinks and feels. The soul is hibernate. And the mind is in control most of the time. But in some situation the soul releases itself and all it contains in quick instance(As in death and near death). The spirit is just the reminence of the soul that you always feel to know it's there, whether you realize it or not. The mind controls the body. The soul controls the mind and it's feelings. Is that kind've what you're talking about?
  3. yes in a way that's what I'm trying to say. My mind is the most vulnerable part or the triumvirate. The things first accepted by our minds will either strengthen or weaken our spirit, the evil that my mind perceives as innocence negatively effects the moral implications of your soul as a human being. Good thoughts (mind) = strong spirit which strengthens the soul. Make sense? Haha

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  4. Yep, the mind reads the aura around you and presents it to how it feels. and this effects how you feel through your spirit. The projection of the feelings of the soul. Such as in cases of abuse unfortunately, a damged soul will always retain the feelings it receives. It can recover them and display them again, and effect how you feel and your actions. So the soul can be strengthened or weakened by how you perceive the world around you. If you think it's hostile you are shy. If you think you have to win you are greedy. If you care, then you just want to help. and it all roots from what you have seen, and how you feel about it. Therefore reflecting to the soul and the spirit,.
  5. #5 -Martyr, Jul 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2014
    Can't relate. In my opinion, the whole concept of being "spiritual" or "enlightened", to some extent, is a very pretentious way to live your life. The majority of the time, I'm not even convinced people know what the fuck they're talking about- they just feel that because they've dealt with some shit, and taken a few drugs and seen some shit, that they've just got the universe and life figured out and I'm just not the guy to say that. I will go digging through every book, every hacked piece of information, or every living source I can find to acquire the purest version of "truth" that I can, but I just can't waste my own time or minimize the amount of great minds to ever grace this planet, by pretending that at 23, I understand how it all works. No one on this forum knows what the fuck is up, and that's because life is all speculation. I'd say the people closest to understanding life, are the people who study subjects that simply dwarf the intellectual capacity of the majority of the planet. And it's not a spiritual thing, it's just a very straight forward difference in intellectual prowess. In the same way that you feel you are creatively or artistically inclined genetically, some people are more incline intellectually. If you're an intellectual, you don't necessarily need spirituality. Spirituality, in my opinion, is kind of the common crutch of someone who is the middleman. They're not dumb, but they aren't necessarily smart or interested in becoming smarter, either due to their own complacency, not wanting to traverse the wall, or by generally having a different outlook on life. Those who embrace spirituality, seem more interested in recreating how the universe works, than bettering the world around them, as it exists in the universe today. That's why I think religion and spirituality have become so interchangeable in the modern age, because they suffer from the same kind of self-serving scope of thought. So they conjure this vague concept of "spirituality" by essentially taking a simple formula: one parts scientific rhetoric and ideology + one parts esoteric/existential ideology. From there, it's mostly about just inflating these fabricated notions and sentiments with tons and tons of unverified data, imposing your own will and emotional hang-ups onto it, and pretending that it's what drives the universe instead of good old fashioned chaos, which is the only order the universe has ever truly known.
    Not too many people will put their whole epistemology out there,  I can dig it. 
    that whole thing resonated with me especially the part about those who consider themself "spiritual" as being right in the middle not too smart but definately not dumb, usually right brain artistic thinkers I would say.
    and it is sorta like taking a little bit of science, and mixing in some unsubstantiated beliefs and calling it an ideology.......

  8. I think you're missing the concept of spirituality. Spirituality is finding one's own belief's through self searching and self learning. Which Involves isolating yourself from any other ideology that is produced so you can find yours. Some of the people who live most uncivilized know more about the world than any book or intellectual can tell you. Theology and Ideology are completely seperate subjects. You are correct on that. If you discover your ideology from others than you are just recreating what has already been thought. Instead of finding your own spirituality. Through self searching, and learning through yourself. Spirituality is finding what is true through yourself. No one can be 'enlightened' by the theology described in books, because in no way does in have any concept with one's own personal reality. Theology is exactly what it suggests 'Theories' ideas proposed that are neither correct or incorrect. I have had experiences far greater than what the human mind can comprehend. I still question them to this day. What they are, and what they mean. Any time I would explain my ideas through the spiritual eye, People called me crazy. When they believe in theology projected by someone else that is as irrelavent to them as my own. I think searching for your own personal spirituality is the way to truely 'enlighten' yourself to the reality that you have. And nobody else does. Your spirituality is neither wrong or right. Whether you choose to share it is your choice. But questioning reality is the first step to finding your own 'spirituality'. And that only exists in one's own reality. Therefore Spirituality does not exist in reality. And Ideology can only exist in reality. And that is why it is false.
    People have varying interpretations of the same thing. Doesn't mean I'm misunderstanding anything. There's always this dramatic assumption that you can't find yourself through actions that include focusing or showing emphasis on other people or the work of other people. That's the same journey, but with more emphasis on the scientific rhetoric.
    Agreed!...Discovering life's subtleties for your 'Self'' can only be personal....Just a small shift in Consciousness and your whole world changes..the doors of perception are opened and now you See and Hear more than the literal....... like peeling back a layer of an onion skin...
    If people did not have these commonalities of understanding, the existence of these types of experiences they would, no doubt, only be seen as mere blips on the screen-They are anything but that imo...
  11. #11 LuxSpiritus, Jul 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2014
    But any Ideology is the interpretation of one's own feelings on their own spirituality/theories. Which in all cases are neither true or false, any science involved is also theoretical no matter how convincing it is, It still only exists in the reality of the one created it. No one person lives in the reality as any other person, therefore no person has the same ideology that exists in their reality, they are taking on the reality that is not theirs. That does not exist in their reality. We think we all live in the same reality, when we really don't, we all live in our own seperate reality perceived by us. Finding your own reality, realizing it's their is exactly how enlightment is attained. If they do not live by their own reality. Then they are living by a reality that is false. Since Ideology only exist in the split between personal reality, and everyone else's reality, and it is neutral. It can only be true in the one reality it applies too, and is otherwise false. No one person's spituality can exist in reality. Believing in the ideological reality of another is not 'Enlightening youself' it is 'Enlightening another person's reality', Ideology is false because the interpretation can only exist in the reality of the one who interprets it. Since Ideology is never true or false, it can only be true in the reality it resides. Because if you believe in someone's ideology, you are believing in something that is not true or false in a reality that does not exist for you. So it is false, A false reality.
    Yes, you're perception. Is your reality. No other person's perception can be your reality, for it is theirs.
  12. dude you're tripping me out, but you're right. I never should have used the word spirituality, my spirit is the part of me that will never die, according to my skewed unintelligible opinion of course. I just eat acid and see the world for what it is while the intellectuals poke and prod society's beliefs and conform to the orderly path of acceptance of our grim fate of no afterlife.

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  13. #13 -Martyr, Jul 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2014
    It's not about conformity- it's about quite the opposite actually. The intellectual's journey is truth above all else, and then right below it, I'd say probably reform of issues that plague the planet in order to preserve it, regardless of the inevitability of death. Those are the real people who understand the world. They understand that not everything is sunshine and rainbows- that the world and universe we live in, is mostly shrouded in darkness. We take for granted the fact that we are such a miracle in our own right, that we should be more concerned with preserving ourselves, than ancient ideologies that mostly do not apply in this new digital age. To accept death for what it might be on the negative end, but to continue to live for such a positive and selfless purpose, is really something I admire. Those individuals who walk that path are very brave, and they are the ones who pave the way for you to even have the time or peace of mind to, not only take drugs recreationally, but to share and discuss it with strangers over the internet. They are the scientists who spent countless hours in labs refining drugs and the effects they have on the human body. They are philosophers who foretell the coming of sociological issues that simply elude the mind of the average citizens, even years after their claims have already come to pass. They are programmers and coders who make it easier for you to reclaim your own sovereignty- whether that means buying drugs online (including but not limited to weed), or dabbling in free trade. Those are the people who understand the world because they are tangibly shaping it through scientifically-backed rhetoric, mathematical law, and research that can be validated and verified. Any man from civilized society, can rely on these principles; they are sacrosanct at this point. You doing acid doesn't mean you understand shit. You trip on harder shit than acid every night while you sleep, and the majority of your dreams are retarded. It'd be dim to think that everything you thought in a medicated or drugged state, is gold or significant. A common implication of thinking outside the box, is thinking about a lot of stupid shit, but for all of that stupid or irrelevant shit, you occasionally get a gem. It's really a numbers game, just like anything else.
  14. Don't act like one person has the slightest sliver of knowledge about the 'General order', The digital age has caused nothing but seperation and death of mankind and the planet. In my opinion knowledge was the worst thing to happen to the world, The apple in christianity. The first evil. Knowledge is power and humans doen't know how to use power. There's a difference between using hard drugs for enjoyment instead of experience. I meditate all the time. To reach a different state of counscious. Half the world isn't even open minded to the possibilities presented in the world to even consider them as existant. Were to busy thinking about our lives in society, than our lives in humanity. That leaves us in a progressive ditch. People who are trying to get out of that ditch, are the one's who should be praised.
  15. #15 -Martyr, Jul 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2014
    And who decides who's in the ditch? The digital age plays by the same rules as any other time period; technology is a catalyst. Because of the ambiguous nature of humans, let alone the ambiguity of things we create, the world is a much more turbulent place. Not only that, but because we are able to simply track so much raw data, it gives the false illusion that nothing bad ever fucking happened on this planet, and that's just not true. 10 years ago, we didn't have a million alternative media sites, 10+ commendable and popular social networking spheres that connected hundreds of millions of people, or a means of uploading video, pictures, content to the net effectively to servers that were trustworthy or that held beliefs that were respectable. Those who pursue the paths of technologists, do not necessarily have to be people who have forsaken their humanity. Libertarian ideologies are very much shaped to be the beliefs of the people, and libertarians are about as pro-technology as you're going to get on this planet. Ethically, they practice what religions preach without the conformity (barring identifying with a political party). They are also open to spirituality- an implication, it would appear, to stem from a progressive perception of drugs. I mean shit, The Silk Road was a libertarian experiment that was created by a man who enjoyed smoking weed, occasionally doing shrooms, and who wanted to build a mean for others to obtain substances unjustly banned from the general public. There's nothing spiritual about the belief system, other than that we need to reform our world and get to a point where all humans can live with a level of integrity and freedom that truly reflects the beauty of life. Some of the lesser extreme libertarians believe this is achievable through strong policy, and some of the more radical ones believe this is through disruptive technologies such as bitcoin or strong encryption protocols that enable privacy by design. I think it's a combination of both. I think religion/spirituality plays a role in essentially being "filler". It's something for people to bond over that just happens to have this same pension for looking outside the box. In the same way that I think Astrology serves to bond people, but is essentially just irrelevant esoteric nonsense, I tend to view spirituality as the same. People keep bringing up the fact that spirituality is about finding one's self. I am hearing very little about how it is an effective means of globally uniting the planet, especially when the interpretation of what spirituality even means is hauntingly subjective. I have given you various examples of methods I view as viable, but all I am getting from you is that "spirituality is justified because it worked for me." That's great for you, but I was under the impression that this was about everyone.
  16. Technology is a double-edged sword. It causes just as much harm, as it does good. And as it expand it becomes relative. No person can correctly interpret a philosophy that has a very obvious relevance to us. You can base events on our history, mistakes repeat themselves. But I think mass extinction is as much of a possability of mass expantion. The world levels things out. Economy, Politicism, And Society are all forms of Oppression. Making it difficult for us to benefit anyone other than ourselves, for some even that's hard. We are justifying a world when no one person has the guarenteed ability to live a normal, positive life. We don't seem to want to change that, mostly because the boundaries we have set to ourselves. If you travel the world you'll hear great stories about culture, and diversity. You'll learn history, and spirituality. From the people who brought it through the ages. And even though it doesn't relate to you, it still has some aspect in the greater whole. Society sets us up for failure. Which is exactly what it's supposed to do. The hopeless go without hope. The sad go without happiness. The sick go without care. It all depends on where you are placed in society, and how much benefit you have the ability to provide to other people. Money isn't caring, A human has more value to another person than money. Global unity would mean all countries abandoning illegitament values to support eachother with what we have. Which is already excess.
    People who don't look for a reason to live. Are the people who live thoughtless lives never thinking of improvement or possible futures, because that's what society has brought them up to do.
  17. there are so many paths to get to the same thing. if your way of thinking, feeling and looking at the world makes you happy and content then you are doing it right. in my humble opinion it is just that simple.

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