Dr. Oz Now Supports Medical Marijuana - Oh And First Post Welcome Us

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by GetLegalVegas, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. hey guys hope all is well... We are a law firm in Las Vegas fighting for your rights....

    Earlier this week, Dr. Oz made an appearance on “Larry King Live,” during which King asked him if he had changed his mind about marijuana. “I have,” Oz replied, explaining to King that his beliefs surrounding marijuana have matured. “I grew up like most of my generation believing that marijuana was something Satan was throwing at Americans, a communist plot. But I think most of us have come around to the believe that marijuana is hugely beneficial when used correctly for medicinal purposes,” said Oz.

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  2. good to hear youre on the right side, reform is still only gaining speed. having these public figures like dr. oz and gupta supporting cannabis has certainly been beneficial to the cause 
    welcome to the city
  3. Thank you... we look forward to posting here more often

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