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First Grow Outdoors

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by 719CObudz, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Hey all,

    Decided to start a new journal in the outdoors section. I have a small personal outdoor garden.

    First are my 2 orange diesel plants.
    The first is partially lst trained.

    Next is a mystery pot that actually has like 3-4 plants in it lol. (seeds mix could be cheese, blue dream, orange diesel, or purple Kush)

    Last is my people Kush. I forgot about it in another part of the yard until yesterday. I did a foliar or Epsom salt/water & watered with some Epsom in it last night. Normally id toss it but I want to see if I could revive it.

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  2. All of them together.

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  3. Wow the 3rd and 4th pics are just beautiful

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  4. Orange diesel not topped or trained. Only used water too

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  5. Another update: the purple kush is slowly coming along. Seeing more green. Especially the lower branch

    2 orange diesels loving life

    Then my mystery pot. Lol

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  6. Update: the purple Kush is fighting for me! Tried asking fire help on the sick plants section with no response. This was really trial & error. So far so good.

    The orange diesel plants look a Lil sad only cause it rained quite hefty last night and I took these this morning. The top is untopped & female. The bottom is topped.

    Than the mystery pot! One female so far.

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  7. Definitely Subbed good start man keep it up. Are you using fertilizer?

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  8. The soil I use:
    Roots organics,
    Dolomite lime,
    Rock phosphate,
    Neem meal,
    Fresh worm castings, (added with every transplant)
    Added fruit and flower with this last plant in the ground

    Update: I put them in smart pots and put them in the ground. First the whole group.

    Next the mystery pot

    Than the orange diesels (2 plants) bottom is topped

    Lastly the purple Kush coming back to life!

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  9. Update: took them out of the smart pots, tilled the ground, put in new roots soil, & re planted.

    First is the purple Kush. Came such a long way from a few weeks ago. Appears to still be vegging.

    Next the untopped orange diesel. Flowering already. Female as of now.

    Next the topped orange diesel. No signs of sex. Still vegging. Looks stressed, shocked. The leaves are downward like it's under watered but it's rained almost everyday. Any advice?

    Last the mystery pot lol flowering as well. I think they all (4) are female. No balls anyway lol

    id LOVE any feed back. I'm new

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  10. Looking good bro. Gotta love amendment 64!!!! I'm up in the 970 got my first grow going as well.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  11. Just subbed to your grow. Very well done! The 970..Im wanting to get the Durango og in my next grow

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  12. ^^

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  13. ^^

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  14. I'm in the part of 970 that's north lol

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  15. Update:

    First the untopped orange diesel. We had a crazy rain/hail storm for about ten minutes yesterday. It knocked this baby over a bit and I'm actually kind of happy. It pretty much naturally trained itself lol. Flowering

    Second mystery pot. Find a beast of a caterpillar on a leaf this morning. Biggest I've seen in person. Flowering

    Third the purple kush. Still loving life. Just needed tlc. Still in veg

    Last the topped orange diesel. Leaves still droopy, but I think it's fine. Still in veg tho

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  16. Update: cleaned out some of the soil. Since it's rained a lot mud was covering the top part of the soil, which I think was trapping a lot of the water/oxygen. I cleaned it off. Took these this morning. Hoping the one still vegging start to show signs of flowing soon.

    Mystery pot: looking healthy and budding nicely. Mainly the top colas 4 pics.

    Orange diesel: also budding all through the plant. The "natural lst" is working nicely. 3 pics

    Purple Kush: see 2 pistils on one of the lower colas but not else where. it's starting to flowering. 2 pics

    Topped orange diesel: for sure still in veg. Droopy leaves but the Colas are growing so I guess let nature take it's course. 3 pics

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  17. Alright finally seeing some more Colorado growers taking full pride in amendment 64, I am also 970

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  18. Subbed things are looking great man

    Sent from my LG-D801 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  19. What general area of 970?

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  20. post a link of your grow & I'll sub as well! Love Colorado born & raised. Nice to meet ya. & you as well doc. Whoever else reads. lol

    I hit the topped orange diesel with a foliar spray early this morning.

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