Do You Believe In Destiny?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by GLOB4LISTIC, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. I think our decisions and actions are all destined.

    So like if a murderer murders, you can blame him or her but not really because it was destined for him or her to do what he or she did.

    Right? Yeaa

  3. Gonna have to agree w/ Heroic Dose on this one.
  4. #4 TesseLated, Jul 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2014
    People have talents and issues from the past and all kinds of variables that influence your ultimate fate......
    In your case of the murderer..maybe he had been abused...or embarrassed..or whatever that made him want to kill...There have been plenty of people that have had these types of things happen in their lives, and didn't turn out to be murderers. At some point that person made a decision to feed his hate...and that led to his destiny. ..Your mind..your choice.
    The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny. ~Albert Ellis
    \nAt the same time I believe that there are times in which things that happen that are not just coincidence...that there can be signs, open doors, to follow to help you make your decisions..
    If i cut your arm off, are you going to "decide your problems are your own," and not blame me, and "realize that you control your own destiny?"
    Or would you choose to feed your hate?
    And if you would indeed blame me for imposing such a significantly irreversible problem upon you, then wouldn't that same reasoning also apply to less severe imposed obstructions?
    It's my problem in the sense that I don't have an arm now....  Am I going to blame you? It it was my destiny. How could it be anything else? Wasn't my decision to not have my arm. It is my decision on what to do about it....will I come after you and slit your throat...with my one arm? Or will I get on with it and view this problem as my own now?
    Are you asking me personally what I'd do...? Hell yes I'd be angry...I'm sure I'd hate you...but eventually does it even matter the sense that I have to live with one arm now? I have to accept it...and I can say that I would not come after I'd be going through the stages of grief... I control my own destiny in what I decide to do about it- my own problem now.
    You going to blame somebody else for you cutting off my arm? That was your decision..your problem. It was not your destiny-you chose it.
    idek if I answered your question...kind of fluffy ..that's what I think r'now though...It could change tomorrow..
  7. my point was that there is a fine line between accepting the results of your own decisions, versus having irrevocable obstructions imposed upon you, without your consent. The difference is choice, and whether you're allowed to make it.
    I don't believe in destiny, i believe in choice.
    I see the belief in destiny as dangerous, in that it refuses to attribute real events to the choices people make, and instead, puts the responsibility of free will at the feet of an indifferent universe.
    In the belief of destiny, nothing is anyone's fault, because it is "destined." You can't be responsible for your own choices if the universe has already decided for you... and neither can anyone else.
    I'm strongly against the notion of people doing needlessly destructive things and saying "ah ha, but destiny!"
    There is never any excuse for someone to our case up cut your arm off...and say so aha that was destiny..That was  the perpetrator's decision....and based on that...his destiny may just be to spend his life in jail.
    You make your own destiny...and don't blame your mama if you turn into a a crazy man w/a knife b/c she beat you when you were young. She did not make your did. I don't think we're saying anything that's too different.
    In terms of the Universe making decisions for you...No...I do believe some things happen and you can choose to follow your intuition..what you could think of that small voice inside you...that sometimes you ignore...and later say 'fuck, I KNEW I should've done that instead'. These things I believe happen for a reason and can help shape your destiny....but you are 'the decider' lol.
  9. again...
    if someone or something else imposes any constraint upon me, then i did not in fact "make my own destiny."
    Do you understand?
    Think of a multiple choice test, where all the questions only have the possible answers allowed to be available by the choices of others. That is not me "making my own destiny." That is my "destiny" being made by others.
    Destiny and free will cannot coexist. I think i have a choice: therefore all of us do. The only problem is that everyone can make a choice to limit or even select the choices of others, disallowing others from choosing their own choice.
  10. say people's choices affect your choices making it not your own destiny to decide... taking it out of your hands.
    Do I believe it's decided beforehand? No. You make it out of what happens to you arbitrarily.
  11. If everything is destined to happen it means you were destined to write this post and I was destined to reply to this post and everything that I write in this post is destined to happen and the thoughts that you have about this post were destined to happen so none of this is really us doing anything. If you could get an outside perspective of anything you'd realize it was silly that they even contemplated destiny because there contemplation was destined to happen. If that makes any sense. 
  12. nope
    shit happens
  13. Well that puts everything into perspective. There is no destiny
    But there is a outcome for every decision. A different one too.fuckin feels like I'm gambling
  14. I kind of believe that were just a record playing, but the multi verse theory makes me think there is 'options' of choosing a universe?
  15. I dont believe in destiny I believe is just the choices u make put you in the situation. Then as a scapegoat we call it destiny. We can control the other person decision but we can. Control ours. And how we act in our life that really becomes destiny.

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    You should be a defense attorney with that unshakable theory.
  18. Yeah it's gonna be s great game
  19. So what you're really saying is...shit is destined to happen...
  20. Yes I believe.  I only recently started to.  The day after this past Christmas I was arrested for possession.  It was the turning point in my life so far... At the time it was terrible.  I lost my job, respect from my parents, friends, and was dealing with coming legal issues.  But as I was in handcuffs a voice in my head said "This was meant to happen".  It was the same voice in my head that told me to leave the drugs in my car 30 min before I got arrested.  Since then, my relationship with my parents has grown, I am now clean of drugs ( I was an addict ), I have a better job that I'm about to be promoted to supervisor at, I have a new car, I've started working out and my body is looking great, I'm more confident of my body and more confident in general, my head is more clear and I'm more positive than ever.  Ever since then I've believed in Destiny, that everything happens the way it's supposed to happen.

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