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The Green Knight Journals:

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Green Knight, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. #1 Green Knight, Jul 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2014
    Let me start out by saying, this is my first organic indoor grow, and I'm going to attempt to journal it.
    I've decided properly grown & cured organic buds are usually more potent & simply taste better!

    I have a 3' w x 2' d x 6' h grow closet with a 600w LED (Kind Light L600) and a seedling/clone closet that is about 2.5' w x 1.5' d with a T5 fluorescent light. I have a large selection of viable seeds of various strains that are "non-feminized" I plan to sex them when it's time... Even with my limited space I wanted a large selection to choose from because I knew some plants just won't make it and others will be male. So far I have growing:

    6 Maple Leaf,
    4 Bruce Banner,
    1 Sublime

    They are starting their 4th week of growth. A few days ago (on day 20 from germination) I transplanted them from their small 2.5" starter pots to a taller 5" and gave them 25% solution of "Bio-Bizz" organic fertilizer, then moved them from the T5 closet to the bigger LED closet all at one time. They are thriving!

    A couple weeks into my first grow above, I decided to plant:

    5 Black Bubba Kush,
    3 Purple Kush
    1 Mr. Majestic,
    1 Ghost OG

    You might be thinking... That's a lot of plants for a small space! You're right, but I've already lost 1 of 5 BBK this round and I don't mind leaving them in veg for a little longer if necessary. Besides there's the "sexing" them, and I expect about 40-50% to be female. Out of the estimated 10 plants... I plan to pick the best 3 from each grow. I'm following the same growing plan/schedule as my other grow but the Ghost OG is way ahead of the others! It's taller, the leaves are growing faster and it was ready for transplant way sooner then the others, I sure hope it's a female! Does anyone have experience with this strain? Or other strains I'm growing? I was curious with the Ghost if this was normal OG traits? Nevertheless, I plan to keep the Ghost OG even if it's male... for the OG genetics.

    I'm not the seasoned cannabis grower I'd like to be yet, but I have experience in horticulture & general gardening so I'm fairly confident. However, I'm always looking for good advice, knowledge or tips from other more experienced growers. I'm very happy to listen to good tips on Organic Soil Composition , Topping, LSTing, Drying, Curing etc. as well as any good advice on organic compost, organic living soil recipes, and compost teas. Please feel free to sub this if you want or tag along with the results & photos of this harvest, as it progresses. Thanks!! :D

    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
  2. Hello SilverStacks,
    This is my very first post, so let me apologize first, as I have no advice to provide. Though, I do have a question. Is your grow closet custom made, or off the shelf? 
  3. #3 Green Knight, Jul 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2014
    Oh, no worries... It's custom.... I built it. What do you think?

    Lifted a Mile High... :D
  4. It looks very clean! I see from the photos that you have it set up with some intake/exhaust ports, they look clean as well. If you don't mind me asking, did you frame it with lumber or is it a metal frame? Did you document this custom build on the forum?

  5. #5 Green Knight, Jul 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks! Yeah, I used a metal enclosure to prevent any chance of mold now or later.... I didn't document construction efforts on the forum... But yes. I have filtered air intake & outtake w/ can fan & carbon filter along with LED. Any thoughts, questions, or comments.... Please feel free to type... Thanks!

    Lifted a Mile High... :D
  6. Looking good silverstacks, I can't wait to see what they produce! got it subbed now so I'll be able to follow along with you. I'm only on my 3rd grow, and my first two were certifiable disasters lol. I need WAY more light, and I gotta transplant them into some real pots. I think I'm gonna Try to get some air pots to really get the roots going good. I kinda jumped into this grow without any prep, so I'm catching up now lol. I'll link it after this post.

    Sent from my SGH-M919 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. #7 Green Knight, Jul 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2014
    It's all good my friend.... We can exchange ideas anytime...don't sweat the prep... I'm sure your garden will turn out just fine with some elbow grease & love!... Can't wait to see your pix...
    Don't worry... Be Happy!

    Journal Link:

    ... Lifted a Mile High :D
  8. #11 Green Knight, Jul 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2014
  9. Thanks! Loki..... I'm subbed to you as well so, this will be an interesting little journey... I'm excited & buzzed :D... on (BBD) Big Bubba Diesel.. hehe.

    Journal Link:

    ... Lifted a Mile High :D
  10. #19 Green Knight, Jul 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2014
    I actually use the Cannabis for a internal injury, which seems to be getting better every day. Therefore, I am primarily interested in Indica strains, Indica dominant strains, or well-balanced hybrids for the pain, but without the raciness Sativas can bring. Fortunately, for me I live where it's legal. I spent a stupid amount of money at dispensaries, so I'm growing my own meds this round. I'm growing for my private consumption & I currently consume about .5 oz per week so the highest yield possible would be nice... Although, it's not necessary, especially over quality and taste. I'm hoping the LEDs surprise me!

    Journal Link:

    ... Lifted a Mile High :D
  11. Well auto indicas take about 8 weeks and i can putt 2oz off 1 easy

    Sweet tooth auto
    Med gom 1.0 auto are both good strains the med gom 1.0 is a 1:1 thc cbd ratio.

    Ever tried adding lemon grass oil to your blunt (if you smoke blunts)
    Lemon grass oil is high in myrcene which helps with pain and helps relax and also loads of other health benifits and when you put a little on the paper as it burns yiu take in more terpene which in turn make the thc work better :)

    auto help page

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