What Was The Last Game You Played?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Pickle McSmurf, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Smite. First MOBA I've truly enjoyed. I like that it's got more than just a few game modes. Plus, Egyptian gods as playable characters. 'Nuff said.
  2. 3 is by far the best game in the series until you get to the zombies
  3. Gta v, played some heist setup a with some random noobs
  4. Gears of war
  5. Bloodborne, went on a good rampage and then fell down a hole :(
  6. Sniping people in Halo 3 lol.
  7. Fallout 3

    Sent from my U670C using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. Smash bros on the Wii u
  9. Gears of War.
  10. Really getting into Elite: Dangerous.


    In fact, exploring space high sounds rad as fuck.
  11. Game is a interesting and fresh take on a strife. 3rd person lane battling is the shit.

    Been sitting by the hearth most of the morning.

  12. Fifa 15 always.
  13. I really want to get Elite: Dangerous. I need to upgrade my PC before I start buying newer games though. I'm down to 6Gb RAM, and I'm still "rocking" a Radeon HD5850.
  14. Medal of Honor: Vanguard (Wii)

    I found the button mapping to be somewhat awkward (and unchangeable?) but I still had a blast playing splitscreen with my brother

    Fyi I won :p
  15. Still going hard on MGS: The Phantom Pain.

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