Russia Fires Missles Into Ukraine

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Vicious, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Cheney was recently quoted in an interview, saying he believes there will be another event "worse than 9/11" within the next several years (not sure if he said 5 or 10, or what number was specified).
    Interesting, right? Mr. "NORAD stand-down" himself, says there's going to be another event soon.

    How do you propose we fight the root of the problem? What is the root of the problem? It's hard to take you serious when you say things like "nonsensical borders" in the politics section.
    Do you realy think the ramblings of an old man mean anything in the context of this situation?
    I dont see the connection.
  4. I know the root of the problem, how to go about It I'm not entirely sure. The root lies in the way we do things, just about everything Imo lol. The way we.....exploit the planet for its limited resources, the way we teach our youth, the way religion likes to claim it knows the answer, the way we eat, the way advertising fills us with bs...come to think of it I made a thread in the philosophy section trying to point out the things wrong with society. Essentially our subconscious is out of wack.
  5. oh come on dude... of course you see the connection.
  6. Terrible -

  7. Someone very local to me, of a similar age was killed by the Russian backed terrorists. I never met the guy, however I do know quite a few people who knew him.
    I predict a large earthquake this year, it makes me as good as guessing as anyone.
    the profound absurdity of your blatant trivialization and dismissive attitude leaves me speechless.
    Enjoy your life of cognitive dissonance. I sort of envy you.
    The ridiculousness of the assumption that Dick Cheney has anything to do with this has me thinking dope is bad for some people.
    So you're suddenly an expert on international/foreign relations, and you know what Dick Cheney does or does not know, about any particular event?
    Plus, you lept to the conclusion that i didn't imply, in which you assumed that i meant this event was what Cheney was referencing, which i don't think it was.
    This event could be entirely unrelated to that prediction, but it's very unlikely that this event is completely unreleted to the copious amounts of events occurring all over the world, which are all in some way connected to each country's foreign policies... which happens to be an area where mr. Cheney has a bit of high level experience. He's been "in the game" for decades. He's not "just some old guy making wild guesses." He knows shit none of us know, that none of us know he knows.
    I mean ffs, he's the guy who told NORAD to stand down on 9/11. That was absolutely necessary to allow the events of that day to unfold as they did. Why would he do that?
    "Hanlon's Razor" is in fact satire, and not an actual legitimate logical foundation for discernment.
    People need to stop casually dismissing everything as "incompetence," when there are clear connections and highly probable motives that can and should be considered as potentially malicious.
    I don't think you're incompetent. I think you're deliberately obfuscating a wide array of evidence, which is the definition of "intellectual dishonesty."
    But i could be wrong. I'm not sure which is worse. Maybe it's cognitive dissonance, or maybe it's intentional obfuscation.
    Either way, it's astounding and disheartening, which could easily be construed as the inherent motive for deliberate obfuscation.
    To be clear: in no way am i suggesting "cheney did it." That would be profoundly absurd. I'm just suggesting that the guy has quite a bit of insight into the high-level and behind-the-scenes events of the world, and has plenty of connections, through which he is very likely to have access to information and insight that most lack.
    These events could indeed be precursors to other events (and it would be quite ridiculous to assume nothing more will come of passenger airliners being shot down...), and are likely pieces of a larger and much more complex puzzle.
    But, you know, if people want to just pass everything off as sheer coincidence, and always assume that anything that ever goes wrong is somehow "accidental," and that nothing is ever connected to anything else... well i suppose those people are hopelessly deceived, and cannot be helped.
  12. #52 snoopdog6502, Jul 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2014
    Dude, Dick Cheney may be a creep but is not an all powerful super villain out of a comic book.
    I think Dicky's batteries are running out.
  14. more hyperbole?
    He's not "all powerful," and he's probably not "super," but he's definitely villainous.
    But that's not even the point. The point is: we should listen when he says stuff, because he knows the system, the game and its players, far better than most "normal" people do, whether he's lying/fearmongering or not. If he didn't know wtf he was talking about, he wouldn't be filthy rich, and he never would have held a high level executive position in gov't.
  15. #56 snoopdog6502, Jul 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2014
    Well this is 2014, he is probably sitting at home pooping in his diaper waiting for his heart to explode.
  16. also: it seems to me that "america" (as in the high-level special interests, not the average citizens like most of us here), has an obvious tendency to go around making the rest of the world "their business."
    Well now we have a president leading an invasion of our own country coming from the south.
    and i won't disagree: that is definitely a problem.
    As long as i've been alive and aware of the outside world, i've seen our government's highest authorities doing completely unacceptable things, attempting to disguise those things as something we should support. You'll have to excuse me if i've developed a healthy distrust for all of them, and a tendency to consider the potential for malice as being a more plausible explanation than incompetence. Or, you don't "have to" excuse me... but i would prefer it.
  19. I can't stress how important this is. It's honestly sickening how swift the US is to take advantage of situations like these to manipulate us into believing what's convenient for them. 

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