My Personal Experience With Obamacare

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jdahms, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. #21 Sgtstadanko707, Jul 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2014
    God bless obummer
  2. In a little more than a "few years", I will be receiving Medicare.  
  3. Here we go again.
  4. #24 lilro, Jul 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2014
    Are you suggesting we lie or live in poverty so we can use someone else's hard earned money for healthcare? That's retarded and selfish, mkay?
  5. I don't live in poverty, I live beneath my means so that I will never have to be dependent on anybody else.   
    I do not get anybody else's hard-earned money for healthcare, I only want to pay the market price that others pay.  Until Obamacare, this was impossible, at least in my state, for private insurance.  
    It is entirely unfair to charge people who do not get free benefits or benefits at a plan at their job twice the national average for health care. It is not only unfair, but it left tens of millions of working people with no healthcare insurance at all.  
    Fucking murderers get health care, in prison, but the average working person could not afford it due to greed.  Now most of them can get insurance that they will pay a fair market price for.  
  6. #26 lilro, Jul 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2014
    Where does the government get that money from again?
    And you just told people the "trick" is to be poor or hide your money, so you can use another taxpayer's money for your personal benefit. If that's not greed, I don't know what is.
  7. I know, I know. But his statement was atrocious! I read shit like that and think, "can anyone actually believe this is a good plan?"...
  8. This is a lie. You get the hard earned money of lots of tax payers fit health care. What's worse, you are doing it intentionally. "keep your income low"! Yuck. By the time you get to medicare, I hope the system has crashed and you are out of luck.

    I hear the eternal whiner: "somebody else has it better; that's not fair; somebody should make it better". When your plan drives all the decent providers out of business or underground and there is no better care than the WORST care available (which is what socialism does), I hope you die happy.

    Suck it up, buttercup. Life ain't fair. And guess what? It shouldn't be up to the government to make it fair.
  9. If I pay extra for healthcare, it means that somebody else is benefiting, doesn't it?  All I want is a fair price.  
    We have people on here complaining about paying :"hundreds of dollars a year" for a health care plan.  Mine, under Obamacare is in the thousands, the same as the average working person pays.  
    Why should those who do not have insurance at work get fucked over?  That's exactly what was happening, and the statistics prove it.
    This plan isn't perfect but the situation before was worse.    Maybe now, over the next decade, we can move out of last place in the industrialized world, for health care, which is the disgraceful postiion the U.S. has been in for well over a decade.  
  10. #30 garrison68, Jul 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2014
    Sure, and as long as you phony rugged individualists keep allowing the corporations to rip us off, there will be people like me who know how to look out for themselves.  I learned the hard way, through the School of Hard Knocks.
    If my private healthcare plan options had been the same price as the average working person, I would not have needed or wanted a program like Obamacare, but it was twice as much.
    If anybody is fucking you over, it's them, not me.        
  11. If you're getting a subsidy you're not paying extra.
  12. I am paying more than a lot of people who have it through their job.  They are getting subsidized, and their employers' accountants know ways to get tax breaks and corporate subsidies.  
  13. Riiiggghhhhtttt. If the only way you can face yourself in the mirror every say is by convincing yourself that anyone who stands on his own is phony, you go right ahead. You are wrong though. Again, the ploy of the eternal whiner...

    And I know you are convinced you are getting ripped off by the companies that allow you to live. Evil bastards for making a profit!

    I know you will never understand this, but I'm going to tell you anyway. By existing and providing their service, they validate their existence. You have yet to validate yours. The world can live without you're sniveling attitude if can't live without those who are willing to bust their ass to build a business. You are the leech fucking us over, not them.

    If you wanted health insurance at the same price as the average working man...go get a fucking job. Don't tell me that it's up to the government to make that happen! They can't...the evidence is in, even for you slow on the uptake. It's a fucking failure. As it was meant to be.
  14. #34 garrison68, Jul 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2014
    The lack of logic, and reason, behind this convoluted answer is beyond belief.  
    Do you not realize that most of the people who were uninsured before Obamacare HAD a job, but did not get benefits through their employer, and were priced out of the market for benefits? 
    Could you imagine having to buy food at twice the price of other people, because your employer did not give you "grocery benefits", or you got laid off?
    You worship the very worst traits in human nature, probably to make up for your complete lack of understanding of how the world operates.  Grow up, get out out in the real world of struggle and survival, and then see how you feel about these leeches that you suck up to.    Your fantasies and theories will collapse in the fast-paced, cutthroat world of big business.   
  15. I work at a major health care facility. The insurance I had was considered "cadilac". When the affordable health care act went into effect my employer could not offer the same coverage by law without being penalized. I now pay more for less. The company I work for is scrambling to make up revenue that it lost when the government subsidies were slashed.
    I have no clue how all this will end up but it sure is not starting off on a good note.
  16. I don't expect you to understand. You are a leecher, not a producer, so you won't ever get what I am saying.

    I cannot imagine the scenario you propose, concerning food, because I cannot imagine ever feeling that my employer "owed" me anything above the fair negotiated wage we agreed to. It is up to me, as an individual, to obtain the items that I desire within the constraints of that agreement. If there is not enough money, it is up to ME, not my employer, to correct that.

    As far as my assume far too much. I'm sure that you are older than my 42 years, but I'm also sure I've seen more of how the world operates than you. I've worked my way up through business. I've left it behind to start (gasp) my own company at which I plan to (double gasp) make money!

    My "fantasies and theories" really work in the real world. That is, until the looters and the moochers, such as yourself, arrive to take possession of that which they did not earn, but feel entitled to.

    You are older than I. You have retired early, clearly by the methods you stated earlier, living under your capacity so that you qualify for all the handouts you are convinced you deserve. But, when it's all over, you will have done nothing for society. You are not a productive member. I will have fed people, clothed people, provided for people, generated wealth. You will have existed.

    Like a cockroach.
  17. You extrapolated quite a bit of incorrect information from my true statements about the way businesses and the world operates.  You have quite a high opinion of yourself as well, perhaps we should nominate you for Man of the Year on Grasscity for your alleged larger than life accomplishments, generosity and services.  Modesty and honesty are not your strong points, though. 
    I retired early with a pension that I EARNED, and savings that are going to keep me financially stable as I grow older  I have never been on welfare, medicaid, SSI or disability.    
    I submit that the cockroach is the person that puts profits before people, not the working man who would rather earn a living and not exploit others.   
    Are you going into the smugness business?  If so, I believe you'll do well.
  19. #39 Penelope420, Jul 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2014
    Well, to be clear I said *IF* I were to assign blame to a president. Which means I'm not. The point I was making is that there are many other factors in all of these anecdotal stories.

    That being said, I would say that the difference between a 350% cost increase vs a 20% increase over the same time frame is pretty significant.
  20. The initial sign up process was a pain, however, I have had a Health Insurance broker for quite some time (you can too, they're FREE to you, they get paid by the insurers) and she really helped us through the process.  I highly recommend using a broker

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