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A 1000 watt SCRoG

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by The Letter 3, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. #1 The Letter 3, Jul 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2014
    Hey folks been moving things around and changing this and that.

    Latest changes....

    Upgraded the 400 watt hps to its 1000 watt counterpart.

    I've got a 3x3 screen in a 4x4x8 tent.
    The reservoir is holding ~ 25 gallons of soup.

    Set my pH to 5.6 and the ppms are at about 1000. This is about 5 tablespoons of maxxi grow and 20ml of dutchmaster zone for roots.

    Picked up a small 10x10 sheet of panda film to cover the top of my reservoir lid.

    The plant is a dinafem strawberry cough. Here's a couple snaps of the previous crop of strawberry cough.


    I grew her out in a 5 gal dwc bucket under 400 watts of light. She went exactly 9 weeks of 12 12 and the plant gave me 27.4 grams with relatively no training.

    Here is a clone of her she's almost 11 weeks old now.

    The tote is 14.5 inches tall. The screen sits 12" above the tote lid.

    The 1000 watt light ive set at 20" for now.

    • Like Like x 1
  2. This is gonna be awesome
  3. i'm subbed in dude!"
    Either your gonna have one bad ass mother of a plant or it will have one hell of a case of sunburn from having that monster hps all to itself! lol
  4. It's a very similar set up to mine, we should switch to flower on the same day and race them lol
  5. Looking great man subbed along .!

    Did u have a journal for ur last grow as we'll?

    Anyways goodluxk !!

  6. I'm interested in watching this go down! subbed
  7. 1405475646353.jpg

    A little warmer than I'd like but still OK.

    I had to prop the plant up in the bucket. Its main stem was making her fall over.


    Top shot

    I may have a potential root issue on my hands. I think its the dutch master zone tbh. It seems every time I add it into the rez all the roots get dark. Not brown like root rot... Its just odd. Usually after a couple days it goes away and the roots look amazing.

    Will keep an eye on it.
  8. Checked my roots this morning and they look a lot better.


  9. Please tell me that the 27.4 grams you say you got from your last grow was a misprint. That's like nothing for a plant! What happened man?!
  10. #11 The Letter 3, Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2014
    Yeah just under an ounce. It was under a 400 watt and I had to much overcrowding and not enough training etc etc etc.

    This is the first time I'll be using a scrog.

    I've taken 9 full and 1 solo cup since I've started. All ranging between 5 grams to just under 3 oz.

    I've been waiting for this. I really hope this will do well for me.
  11. That would be fun.

    I was thinking I've got a hell of a wait ahead of me. The last grow she stretched about 18 inches when flipped.

    You say you let the screen fill up. You mean exactly that yeah? Fill the screen with vegetation and then flip.

    Are you manipulating the plant in any other way besides just keeping her under the screen? Also when you do flip you position the branches in such a manner to have the shoots pop through a square of there own?
  12. Roots are looking much happier today than yesterday.

    All the darkness is about gone.

  13. Looks good TL3, I am jealous of those roots.
  14. I'm glad whatever that was I saw is about gone. Its almost like they get some kind of coating on them from the root zone conditioner. They get scary dark then whiten back up in a couple days.

    For a 10 week old plant in a bucket they still look healthy and not frizzed out. I haven't had much luck in this department lol. I think it's mostly due to the conditioner though.

    1000 watt Scrog Journal
  15. #17 GoldGrower, Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2014
    Initially I will reach underneath and pull the main branches down and let them spring back up. This keeps new tips underneath. As it start to fill up and arrange and position the branches to try and even up the number of growing tips.
    After a while I push the tips back down from above because it's become to thick underneath to get my hands in easily. When pushing the tips back down I position them in the direction of any less dense areas. 
    Once I have what appears to be an even spread of growing tips I change to 12/12. I usually keep pushing growth back down for a further few days to a week because of the fear of running out of height. But when you have like 150 tips all trying to grow from the one plant the stretch isn't that bad. I have more height available now so I will be allowing growth to come through on day 1 of 12/12. 
    After 2-3 weeks the screen should have a decent canopy on it and I reach underneath and snip out all the immature branches that haven't reached the screen, that includes all the little tips that are just starting out. This is to stop a mass of tiny buds growing under the screen competing for the valuable resources that the upper leaves make. I want all those resources to go to the main buds so it's a lot easier to trim on harvest day.
    I try to keep as many leaves as I can under there when cutting out growth. Sometimes this isn't possible but at this point there will still be light getting through and of course the leaves will still be "breathing" for the plant. Once they stop pulling their own weight they drop off naturally and I sweep them up off the top of the reservoir
  16. Patience is what you need when dealing with a scrog, but it can most definitely give you great yields. My first scrog I pulled 10oz from 3 plants, 2nd 8oz from 1 plant and my last grow I got a pound from one plant. You'll get better as you go.
  17. #20 The Letter 3, Jul 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2014
    PH this morning was down to 5. I was kind of surprised. I don't usually see it drift south. Anyways I added some regular water back to the tote to raise the pH. Almost 2 and a half gallons. This brought the pH back up to 5.9

    I added another 2.5ml of DM zone and about a tablespoon of maxxigrow.

    This puts the ppms at 986. After adding my stuff back pH dropped to 5.7

    Roots are happy again


    1000 watt Scrog Journal

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