Cool Ass Homemade-Bong I Call tag Team

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by Sexymexy57, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. So my bro and I wanted to get a quick smoke in but I just sold my bubbler. We smoked a J then came up with an idea using the remnants from when we get the munchies. So we got two water bottles and got electric tape and taped the 2 mouth of the bottles together leaving a pretty small hole between the 2. Found a pen and used the tube by burning a hole through the side of the bottom chamber and leading the end of the tube toward the point where the pen part would be. That was the neck leading to the bowl which was the bottle cap upside down. Cut the bottom half of the top chamber and taped the top half of a fat Gatorade bottle upside down to the opening and tape the rim. Put leftover water in and bam. It's called tag team cause the first person lights it and hits it til he gets a good rip and the bottom chamber still has a shit ton of smoke so the second person clears it.

    I do the fuck out of life.
  2. #2 Deleted member 629842, Jul 12, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2014
    I love that saying that goes like "Take away a stoner's glass piece, and they become rocket scientists"
    Or something like that. 
  3. Buy a piece, nothing compares to glass. But when it comes to home mades less tape the better. Use a highlighter and fit a socket in it for the bowl. Then burn the whole in whatever bottle your using, when the whole is first forming right before it look like the appropriate size shove the highlighter through. The plastic will mold around it creating a airtight seal. Then make a carb.

    "I'm to drunk, to taste this chicken" -Talladega nights

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