Random Confession

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by dunnowhatevs, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. When I was a kis, I lived in a pretty tough neighborhood and all of the kids I knew would shoplift (this was a long time ago, before they had those electronic devices and so many cameras in stores - it was a lot easier back then). I used to shoplift like everyone else and not even think about it. When I was 12 we moved to a new neighborhood and I thought about it and realized I didn't like stealing and I stopped. It's just weird that I didn't question it earlier.

  2. My ex used to knock me around and got a little too rough in the bedroom and I didn't do anything about it because I felt it was what I deserved.  Pretty stupid.  
  3. I wrote a parody of Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer entitled Rudolph The Tight Assed Reindeer in 9th(I think) I still remember every single lyric.
  4. I was born of a 15 year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.
    Did she can-can?  
  6. I flunked this semester of college.
    I'm not going to go back until August.
    Burnt the hell out from school.

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  7. Legit?

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  8. I use autocorrect a lot.
  9. When some customers ask me if I will ask the manager for some discount. I walk over to a co-worker casually scratching my balls and have a chat about some funny shit, walk back and say No.
    Before you ask, some customers are persistent as fuck about asking the manager.   
  10. #70 Blu3B3rryKush, Jan 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2015
    I don't like confessing things as it makes me feel weak/guilty...

    Oops, I did it again...

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  11. I was a carer until 1 year ago. 
    Does that translate to caregiver? If so, in what capacity? A bud caregiver would be sweet. A personal caregiver is tough, often under-appreciated work. Either way my respects. :smoke:
  13. #73 lisamc, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
    A carer is someone who cares for another without pay due to the other person not being able to care for themselves because of physical or mental issues.

    I totally just googled that! :D I learned something new today

    Oh and I'm not trying to butt in on the convo I was just curious, too.
    But kudos, OP, for sure!

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  14. I'm my highschool gym there was this change room door with a grate on it. I kicked it and the grate flew off. After class a teacher noticed and said no one can leave until someone confesses. I told them I saw the kid with down syndrome do it and then everyone was free.

  15. #75 MissBonnieBud, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
    I cared for a close family member who had some serious mental health issues. Had been doing it for about 6 years (13-19) before i realised i needed to leave for a few months..
    Somehow passed my exams and got into uni and a job!
    I guess the toughest thing was how unpredictable an illness like that can be. I was so young trying to understand such a complex difficult issue, all on my own. I thought i was a grown up, but now that i think back, i was just a wee girl.
    But, we all have a duty to those around us right? At times i thought it was ruining my life, but it meant that she got to live hers too.  
    Thanks, i don't think anyone ever said that to me.   :)

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