How Can Lucifer Rule Hell As Light?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Master Smash, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. #41 Boats And Hoes, Jul 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2014
    "7. I mentioned earlier that the word “Lucifer” appears only once in the English versions of the Bible. But in the Latin Vulgate translation of Jerome it appears twice! That's right, twice! Where else is this word used and who does it refer to? Jerome certainly knew who it refers to. This knowledge also casts a dark cloud over his intentional use in Isaiah 14:12!
    8. 2 Peter 1:19 reads: “... until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.” this is another mistranslation!
    The two words “day star” are a translation of the one [compound] Greek word “Phosphoros”, [derived] from two Greek words: Phos (= light) + phero (= to bear or carry). Thus the Greek word “Phosphoros” means Light-bearer or Light-bringer. Anyone who knows both, Greek and Latin, can verify that the Greek word “Phosphoros” and the Latin word “Lucifer” are absolutely, one hundred percent identical in meaning. “Lucifer” is the perfect translation into Latin of the Greek word “Phosphoros.”
    9. Now let's note the dishonesty, first of the English translators and then of Jerome.
    All of the English translators of the Bible know very well that the word “Phosphoros” in 2 Peter 1:19 can be perfectly accurately translated by the word “Lucifer.” Instead they have chosen to deliberately obscure this fact. Why?
    They knew very well that 2 Peter 1:19 refers without doubt to Jesus Christ. This verse calls Jesus Christ “Phosphoros” (in Greek) or “Lucifer” (in Latin). Yet the translators have hidden this fact behind the words “day star.” The facts are that “Phosphoros” has absolutely nothing to do with either “day” or “star”! The translators simply borrowed a term that is elsewhere used for Christ namely “morning star” in Revelation 2:28 (Greek = proinos + aster) and in Revelation 22:16 (Greek = orthrinos + aster).

    To translate “Phosphoros” as “day star” is plain dishonesty!!!
    10. Now let's look at Jerome. The phrases quoted under point #8 above are translated by Jerome into Latin as follows:
    “... donec dies elucescat et lucifer oriatur in cordibus vestris.”
    Notice that Jerome correctly translated the Greek “Phosphoros” into the Latin word “Lucifer.” Jerome obviously knew that this verse refers to Jesus Christ, yet he wrote “Lucifer” with a small “l” and did not capitalize the word. He also knew that he had translated the word “Phosphoros” perfectly into Latin.
    With this write-up I am including photo-copies of 2 Peter 1:19 and Isaiah 14:12 from the Latin Vulgate. (Comment: that is what I sent to Pasadena with the original write-up I sent through to them about 4-5 years ago. I can't really put photo-copies [in email]).
    Jerome knew that in the New Testament “Lucifer” is a title for Jesus Christ; yet he still chose to also translate the less- clearly defined Hebrew word “Heylel” in Isaiah 14:12 as “Lucifer,” knowing that this word referred to Satan and here Jerome started the word with a capital “L”, as can be seen from the enclosed photo-copies.
    So with Jerome Satan gets a name that refers to Christ with a capital letter and Christ gets His own name only with a small letter."
    "18. Satan is the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4:4) who has blinded the minds of people. He has churches and ministers who disguise themselves as “... the ministers of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:15), a plain reference to them disguising themselves as “Christians.” Satan's universal (“catholic”) church gave Satan one of Christ's names by means of a mistranslation from the Hebrew into Latin. Jerome was clearly working for Satan when he converted the Greek word “Phosphoros,” used in 2 Peter 1:19 for Jesus Christ, into a personal name for Satan in the Old Testament. Jerome knew that “Phosphoros” refers to Christ. If he really was a Hebrew scholar, as is generally claimed, then he also knew that “Halal” also has negative connotations like “mad, boast, foolish,” etc. because he would have had to translate this word into Latin 165 times. Did Jerome really not understand the context of boasting in this passage?
    For over 1000 years this name was used for Satan in the western world. It was placed above question as a former name for Satan. So translators and students of the Biblical languages and of Latin have also accepted this as a fact that should not be questioned. Satan clearly does not want his “right” to the name “Lucifer” questioned. Those who use it for Satan show they are “worshiping” Satan by attributing one of Christ's names to Satan.
    I could carry on with some more points, but I feel that the above information should suffice to understand that Satan is never referred to as “Lucifer” in the Word of God. So what about you. Will you continue to refer to Satan as having once been called “Lucifer”? You now know the facts!"

    thats interesting it sounds like what it's saying is everytime someone calls out for jesus they are showing homage to satan?
    I just sent this to a calvanist friend of mine, I"ll see what he says, these guys are funny though, they can reconcile everything.
    I had mentioned that paul never knew jesus and his teachings were the opposite of what james wrote about what jesus taught.
    it's seriously black/white if you ever compare pauls teachings to James.
    Yea, cool, man... let me know what your calvanist friend says in regards to it... I'd be interested. :)

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