An Argument Against The Delusionary Perception Of Perpetual Positivity

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by -Martyr, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Completely agree. I also believe that the majority believe that happiness is something that must be achieved. This type of mindset places happiness at some sort of higher platform. As if it is something that you must work hard or aspire for. I believe that happiness is available anywhere at any given moment. Happiness is what you make it, not what is given. Society's definition of happiness has got us spiraling in an eternal depression because it is an abstract concept that is often interpreted as a physical or mental reward rather than something you can create within the mind.
  2. Yes. Two thumbs up for op. as long as you post buddha quotes about peace on instagram, youre pretty much doing all you can to stop the violence in middle east.

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