Gc Needs .webm Support

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by Vicious, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. #1 Vicious, Jul 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2014
    For those that don't know, WebM is a new format and the future of embedded file types. The file acts like an image, can be uploaded to image sites, can be embedded, loop, play with or without sound, opened, paused, rw, ff, saved and even turn water into wine. It's a super .gif if I can call it that without shaming it. It can play minutes of footage in high quality with sound.
    Many sites are beginning to adopt it and it will be the future of "image" types. The sooner GC adopts it I think the better. Set us further apart from the others. I imagine it could be used greatly for many reasons, being able to upload a small snip-it or a video of your grow, without uploading it to a sketchy video site, but like an image all in under 5mg, maybe 10 with sound.
    Just a couple examples in how it could be used in discussing or showing something in video games, movies, anime, news, etc. Keep in mind these are all under 3mb.
    The point is, it's an insane new feature I think is critical to consider adopting that has no down side and will only push GC forward in its exclusivity and uniqueness. It would make movie, games and any time of instance where you wanted to use an image and make it gody! What a gif dreams to be! Again, all under 3M, there should be no reason we shouldn't be able to embedded it http://puu.sh/9Ye28/287e7cd1e2.webm http://puu.sh/9Ye5S/bcd3889096.webm

  2. Not at the moment , we will do any possible new feature like this after next major version change which is designed in 6 months
  3. is it in the works now?
  4. Current priority is fixing the bugs , this still is not on close agenda
  5. Like a noobie weed grower, or even a Windows O/S owner its never the best idea to be the first in line with this stuff? ..LOL
    ...tho I do agree we 'need' it eventually ...................3-6 months is good

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