My Theory On Life After Death

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by kelwo, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Ok so heres what i thought of.

    When we die, we are reincarnated in a "cycle of life" which in my case, means you come back as another type of animal. But not just randomly. You start off with a form that has a really short life span like a fly or an ant. As you die, you are reborn after as an animal that has a longer and longer life. But the catch is that, once you become human, your actions depict whether you continue or not. For example if you contribute for the good of human kind, you come back as a turtle or elephant. But if your human actions do not benefit others, you start over. Which is why there are so many ants, and so few giant tortoises.

    Let me know what you guys think

    From the King himself
  2. who or what judges the actions as good or bad? and why is humanity special?
  3. #3 nativetongues, Jul 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2014
    Question. How do you account for an increase in population? Are there new souls being thrown into the mix? Do people always forget about their previous lives? I always hoped this kind of thing was true but it just seems a little unlikely to me.
  4. #4 Mill, Jul 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2014
    Ants have more predators, therefore they need to reproduce more and have a larger population.
    Turtles being the opposite.
    That's survival of the fittest type of scenario. Just a single observation anyway...
    Don't discount alternate universes and multiple dimensions, extraterrestrial creatures that could potentially live longer, and different lives. Possibly more spiritual and peaceful given their "karma."
    But there are infinite possibilities so who is to say
  5. The mayfly has the shortest lifespan. Ranging from about 30min to a day. And I actually wouldn't mind coming back as an ant. Ants are pretty awesome. Although if I could pick, I'd say a bird of prey, hawk/eagle or falcon of some sort.
  6. Op I dont think u actually beleive that.

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