The Subconscious Is My Spirituality

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Thejourney318, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. #1 Thejourney318, Jul 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2014
    In some ways, I have really just not felt like I know what I think about much of anything for a while now. It's funny, that itself can take on different meanings, positive, negative, and neutral, and it has for me over time. Yet if there is one thing that has really persisted, that I can say is a real belief of mine, it is the wisdom and spiritual nature of the subconscious. I also do not think that the subconscious is a 'singular entity,' but rather that it is a general term which refers to multiple layers of our Being beneath conscious awareness. Consider a sphere which consists of smaller spheres within itself approaching the center. This is a good way to visualize how I think of the Self. Your true, highest Self is the absolute center of this sphere. The closer you approach it, the 'higher' you go, the more spiritual.

    Consider the outer boundary of the sphere to be where conscious awareness starts, and goes some depth in. Everything deeper than that is the 'subconscious.' There are various layers of this subconscious, various layers of our Self, and I think these go along with various levels of Reality. Thus the subconscious reality of dreams is not 'unreal,' but rather it is a different level of reality, more psychic/mental in nature. Yet the typical level of dreams is not the only level of the subconscious. I think these deeper levels of the subconscious can also be reached through dreams, perhaps among other ways, and when experienced are undeniably of a fundamentally higher nature, which can be characterized in part by extreme intensity. This corresponds to a deeper sphere in the multi-layered sphere described earlier.

    Another thing to think of, is that these deeper levels of Self are in a way living their own lives, in their own realities. Yet it's all one Self, it's all within you, and so there's a sort of reflective give and take between the levels. Your physical self interacts and affects your physical environment, just as the various levels of your subconscious self interacts and affects with their respective environments. What is done on these deeper levels of the subconscious, and its effects on those levels of reality, are reflected among themselves and into the physical. Yet at the same time what we do in the physical reflects back 'up' to the layers towards the true Self. So it's a reciprocal process. I think perhaps the spiritual path consists, in part anyways, of bringing those deeper levels of the subconscious into conscious awareness. And perhaps this can in part consist of giving your conscious mind up to the subconscious. And this is the meaning of losing the self/ego described in religions, not as an end in and of itself but rather as a means to opening up to the depth and wisdom of the subconscious.

  2. Me like.

    Along with that I feel it's important to always be centering, but not centered. It's as to assume perfection. Perhaps you may feel centered, but it's merely the result of your centering process. I do also feel that within us, somewhere in the abdominal region lays a tiny bit of the neverending superconscious to which we are to attune to... But hey I could be all wrong and I accept that:)

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  3. I like to believe that I inherited one hundred percent of my father's psychological genetics, thus making me artistic and hard working. I have been through a lot in my short lifetime. I have had the opportunity to experience amazing things. I have also had the privilege…yes; privilege to experience life on life's terms, meaning I have had the opportunity to explore negative emotions, giving me the ability to make decisions based on truth rather than feeling. I have had many near death experiences that have made me extremely grateful for life itself. I have been down and out, broken, lost and addicted, but I have yet to be alone. I recognize my soul and my spirit as two different entities that have taken residence in my body, granting me wisdom and guidance throughout life. I tend to make mistakes when my soul, mind and spirit are out of sync. I feel as though my personal trinity consists of my mind, spirit, and soul. Without consistent conditioning and awareness of the trinity, I lack functionality and rational thought patterns. I am limitless, and omnipotent within the restrictions of the trinity, meaning I can accomplish all things in accordance to the triumvirate. My spirit and my mind have worked hard to provide an adequate abode for my soul, therefore providing the opportunity for my body to carry on the role as an achiever.

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