Viewing All Friends And Viewing All Threads Posted By X User

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by 4r5t6y7, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Hello.  Before the big update, You could search for a user and choose to view all threads posted by this user.  I could be missing something but it doesn't seem like you can do this.  Seems like you can only view a certain amount of their threads on their profile.
    Also, I can't see all of my friends on my profile.  Only a certain amount.
    Whats up?

  2. currently you cant view a persons complete posting history. you can view "my content", or whomevers content, for some semblance of previous posts. to see more of your own content from the past, but still not all, you can view content you follow.
    for a complete list of your friends, the link manage friends works.
    if i remember right the content thing is being addressed in the next site overhaul, and should allow you to view your posting history in its entirety. 

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